The Snake

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Until I seen a snake a purple beautiful snake, it was absolutely stunning, it was injured so I quickly went over to it and tried helping it, it seemed startled so it hissed, I told the snake that it was alright and it was fine I wasn't gonna hurt it, after I said that the snake calmed down and let me help it, after helping it, it started to glow, after the glow died down I see a fragile girl who looks like she got beat up, I give her my extra clothing since she was naked. After a while we were talking and having fun, completely forgetting what I have left behind, it's like when I'm with her my worries disappear and is replaced with longing desires...

I'm in the forest right now... all alone by myself, with no one to rely on, it pisses me off, I stomp around furiously until I hear twigs breaking, I gasp and hurriedly look around, I see no one till I see a faint black and gold wisps coming towards my direction, I try to reach for it but I grew heavily sleepy and fell asleep.

I was in front of the fairytail guild, I'm finally here the place I've been looking for. I enter the guild I see lots of fighting but I asked where they're guild master was they pointed to the second floor I walked up there and into his office I told him why I was here and  he let me join. I was now officially part of fairytail.

"Lucy where are you?!" I gotta find her quick!

I was thinking of the decision I just made. Out of nowhere I'm pinned against the wall then I see what I fear the most... Zeref.... he himself showed up in front of me but not in a welcoming manner. " Where the hell did my sister go?! " sister? Since when did he have a sister? " I spent years looking for her, and now that I finally knew where she was, she's gone?! Listen you better tell me where she is or I'll make sure you will never make it on the book of Fiore. "


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