Not taken lightly

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| With Zeref+TeamNatsu |

Zeref- "Tell me! Did you see it?!"

Erza- "I-I don't know"

Why am I panicking?! why is my heart beating so fast?

Zeref- "..."

Erza- "Zer-..."

Why does his face look like that It's scary! If looks could kill that's what death would look like...

Zeref- "You people have a natural talent of pissing people off.."

Gray- " HEY! What the hell is that suppose to mean you brat!

Zeref- "Hmmm? ...... You have guts talking to me like that Gray Fullbuster"

Gray- "Hey... How the hell do you know my name..? Who the hell are you?"

His gaze is terrifyingly dangerous he looks at us as if he's on a throne bored from looking at lowly peasants! That gaze really pisses me off! Damn it!

Zeref- " Im done here... I shall take my leave first." I glance back at them before I disappear completely. How utterly boring..

| With Lucy |

I feel something soft touching my cheeks, it's so warm I wanna feel the warmth some more. I follow the warmth and softness on my cheeks. It feels nice feels familiar..

???- "Lucy my child? Why do you live in darkness?"

Lucy- "It's not simply because I want to, it's merely rules of survival. I do not wish to live in darkness, but Im forced to do so.."

??- "... I see very well then, I shall help you recover so you won't have to be alone"

Lucy- "What do you mean help me? Why would you wanna do that?"

???- "You've done well My child, It's my turn to take care of you. Now rest"

Lucy- "Who are you?"

I open my eyes, I see bright light it hurts my eyes. I slowly get up and look around.

"A dream?"

I feel my face I still feel warmth on my cheeks from that dream. It makes me sad knowing it was all in my imagination and it wasn't real, to be honest Im quite disappointed when I woke up to the harsh reality.

"What am I thinking, Hahaha I'm a fool.. Yeah a fool I am."

I need to get ready to go out again. I can't stay here for too long I need to keep my presence low, it'll be much easier to be idle and move around without causing too much unneeded attention.

I can't live like this.. I need to get stronger, but if I get stronger the attention would be annoyingly useless and wouldn't even be of use to me, but more of a target to kill or sell me off. This world has an annoying problem. I'll train in seclusion as of now I guess looking as I don't have much options.

Since I train a bit different from other wizards it'll be more quiet, not attracting too much attention to myself, but it's dangerous doing this alone considering my defense is completely down and my senses and focus are unreliable during cultivation. In order for me to cultivate effectively and safely all focus must be on cultivating and on my energy.

This is going to be quite hard. I need to find a safe and well hidden place to cultivate. I need to look around.. There can't be any distractions and delays.

... Oh I see a cave and Im currently at the back of the forrest no one should be going this far into the forest so I should be ok for the mean time!

| New Character? |

I can't believe this old geezer.. He really pisses me off.


???- "SHHHH! Stop shouting you'll wake up my poor baby!"

"💢...💢...💢... Im getting tired of your bullshit old man, you must be tired of living, Ill be sure to end your life quickly so you won't suffer so don't you worry.."

???- "Ahhhh hehe.. G-Gomen Gomen."

"Tsk... Why did you even call me to do this with you, this is such a complete waste of time."

He goes over to her and caresses her cheeks...

???- "Iv'e been gone for too long she's suffered great losses at such a young age, I can't do anything but watch her and help her from time to time from a distance. Im not able to get close to her yet, but watching my child going through such pain is painful and heavy to watch for any parent. This is the only thing I can do for her as of right now. Stay strong Lucy."

Hmm.. This old man really is different when It comes to his daughter, he seems completely sane and normal. No one would suspect that he's a cold and ruthless bloody killer...

| With Cobra |

This damn situation im in! Strawberries.. I want Carmel Strawberry......


What kind of bullshit is this?! Im already eating strawberry flavored things and the strawberry itself but it's not helping! Who dares curse me Ill surely end their life on the spot!

Cobra- "Kinana I'm going out" I walk towards the door and head out. Don't think about it Cobra..

Kinana- "A-again?" Ah.. He didn't hear me....

I go towards a bar I needed to get my mind off of this massive craving. I need a distraction.

Cobra- "Oi give me your best booze and give me lots of it" Tsk... I can't believe nothings working.

Bartender- "Y-yes sir!"

I drank all the Booze, Im starting to feel really hot and my breathes are shortening. I need to move there's too many people here for me to breathe..

I find this girl at the other side of the bar, she's pretty it wouldn't hurt to talk to her a bit..

Cobra- "..Hey"

| With Jellal |

Retribution this is my retribution Iv'e become insomniac, I haven't slept for the past few days at all. My level of focus is not as strong as before, all of my senses are delayed as well as my response.

Ultear- "Jellal are you ok?"

Jellal- "Im fine, im just lacking a bit of sleep don't worry. Where is Meredy?"

Ultear- "She went out for a bit don't worry. Take it easy, your health is not at its peak these days."

Jellal- "Im sorry.. iv'e become completely useless and a burden."

Ultear- "You saved me and Meredy. For that we are forever grateful, you're not useless. You should really depend on us more Jellal, you don't have to carry everything on your shoulders for our sake."

Jellal- "Thank you Ultear..."

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