The Messages

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He called my name so I went over to him and obeyed, he was the only one I had left...

Everywhere I go there is darkness that creeps and lurks waiting for me, it's sinister.

Living here drains the life out of me, i'm sick of this place I wanna leave and live my life.

People everywhere no matter where you look, friends I can hang with, having lots of fun.

Meeting new people and animals, moving to a little cozy house to stay in, and invite my friends.

Everything.... I wish I had.


I can't take this nightmare anymore, it's driving me insane same nightmare over and over again.

Memories of the dream makes me wonder who is she ? What happened? What happens?....Why?

Terrible feelings throughout the day, terrible feelings while im asleep, feeling terrible in general.

Recaps after recaps slowly drawing me into insanity, there's nothing else I can do....

Appearing every night, dream after dream, I can never get a peaceful, normal sleep like I use too.

Punishment... is this my punishment for some crime I did? It has to be it. It hurts im in deep 

Pain im in great pain I don't know why, like I said this is my punishment for a crime I committed.

Explanation is the best possible way, I need to find out about my dreams, and why.. 

Determined to find out who she is and what happened to her...


Pictures of my past have been thrown out, in a garbage and smoked, it's now in heaven

Living life now in the present with kinana and my new family makes me happy...

Everything is a lot better than that horrid place, nightmares happened there monsters..

Acting as if our lives were fine, and as if our life wasn't on the line, torture I hate it

Sending all the children to work on that piece of trash against our will

Escaping was the only way to survive, all man for himself.

The Poison Dragons MateWhere stories live. Discover now