Broken Chapter

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1 years later~

Kinana and Erik have found a place to stay.

Jellal moved on

Erza forgot her role.




......... One Year I've been locked up from everyone, from the humans from the animals, from magic. Deciding to forget about going to the fairytail guild. I'm on an island that's forbidden for any humans or wizard to set foot on. It's quite lonely though with no one around there's nothing to do but aimlessly wander around. But it's the only way.... "Lucy... where are you?"


It's been a year since Lucy's disappearance. And I completely forgot about her I've decided to make my own guild although Its a shadow guild. Meredy, Ultear, and I. We've been doing dangerous quest or forbidden quest. But lately I've been having the same nightmare over and over again, It's about this girl with blonde hair I can't tell who it is since the face is covered by darkness but it always calls for help before she gets brutally attacked by some kind of magic next thing I know there is black blood everywhere and then I hear "You did this to me, you don't know what I've been through" then I would wake up in the same spot every time, if only I could sleep a little longer...


It's been a year since I left that hell hound and I've found a new family, Me and Kinana have started dating and I couldn't be happier with her, but I feel as if I want something but I don't know what it is and it's driving me crazy, and it's not mating season so that can't be it, I tried making love with Kinana but that didn't help either. but as each day passes my cravings are growing extremely irresistible, i'm craving for something sweet but no food can help resolve it.


Fairy tail where my siblings and I live, everyone in that guild is my family nothing can take that away from me, they'll have to go through me first before they can ever lay a finger on my family. We protect each other, no one gets forgotten, or left behind that's our Motto...

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