7 books of Chaos

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I've been looking for Lucy for quite some time now, I wonder where she wandered off to.. Those filthy humans left her to rot, living in their peaceful world as if everything is all in order and good while they left a girl to die alone? Pathetic I'll ruin their so called peaceful lives so they know what it feels like to be left dying without help.. "H-help me! Kotei- *Slash*."  "LUCYY!"

I quickly find her, Lucy where the hell are you?!

"Gahh-  n-not again, I have to find lucy!"

"Lucy don't worry Oppa will find you, just wait i'll make them pay!"

...... Book Of E.N.D -7

I'll make sure not a single human nor wizard makes it out alive...


Pain is all i've ever felt since I was little, and it's all i'm ever gonna feel. I'm broken a broken doll and without my puppeteer I can't do things on my own. I'm useless but they say I cost big bucks so they're gonna sell me.. " I hope he finds me soon.. He should be able to find my left eye that I left."

" I hate this, I wanna leave, I don't wanna be here, I wanna be free, NO! DON'T TOUCH ME!"

"No stop it hurts, the voices won't stop, SHUT UP!"

" You're here and your like this because your useless and weak. You have no one else to blame but yourself."

"NO! That's not true! It can't be, my brother is the most powerful person alive! He'll come and get me " will he though? Stop thinking you're all of that you're nothing but a ragged doll, learn your place. You don't belong anywhere! " "

"I don't belong anywhere....."


"Natsu and Gray! Stop fighting!"
"H-hai" everything in the guild is so rowdy and loud sometimes it makes me wonder if they're all adults or wizards for that matter, but they're all fun to be with. Right now I'm looking for a quest for team Natsu, until master came out to announce S-class tests. Everyone was choosing teams, me Natsu, and Gray are one of the teams. Soon we packed our stuff and got ready to go to tenrou island. The trip was quite long I had to knock out Natsu so he wouldn't have to bear the motion sickness he has, and as for Gray he's stripping as usual, as we got closer to the island the bigger view came. We finally landed and Natsu sprang back onto his feet jumping around like he had won something. We walk into the island looking around until we see a book stuck between a tree and a Rock I pull the book out and it say "Keyof the starryheavens" I flip the book over there is a small written number 3. I wonder what that number meant, looks like a children's book I'm gonna keep the Book for now. We walk farther into the forest until we see a man he looks about 15 with a black cloak. He stops walking and looks at us with wide eyes " who the hell are you" he tried looking for an explanation his eyes kept wandering off until his eyes landed on the book I was holding.

"You girl with the red hair, where did you get that book from?!"

He looks horrified and angry at the same time.

E- "Well while we were walking in I fou-"

Z- "Hurry Up and tell me?! Never mind just give me the book."

E- "What no it's mine now!"

Z- " That book isn't yours it will never be yours, it's not even worth being touched by a traitor..."

N- " what the hell did you just say?! Traitor what the hell did she ever do to be called a traitor?!"

Z- " 2 years ago Erza... don't you remember who you left behind and called weak and useless? You left her and couldn't even bring her with you.. "

That's right I left Lucy alone I was selfish and greedy, I just wanted to leave that place so desperately I forgot about the little girl who was so important to me, how could I? I've been so blinded..

Z- " That book belongs to her, so I need it back."

E- " How do you know her? And why is it that you care for her so much?"

Z- " that's non of your concern, all you need to know is that people like you took her away so I need that book to help me."

E- " Took her away? What do you mean people like me took her away?"

Z- " people with no mercy "

E- " No way I'm giving you this book "

Z- " You really are cold hearted, won't even save the person that helped you through the times when you had nothing.."

N•G- "What's all this talk about some little girl just tell us who she is dang it!"

E- " tell us everything about Lucy and who you are and why Lucy is so special and I'll give you the book.."

Z- "......fine.. Lucy was..."

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