03.| taco martes

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tace martes
{Spanish} 》taco tuesday

H a i l e e 

Mom kissed me on the cheeks one more time before letting me head out of the door. I didn't mind her kisses, I cherished them. Mom was the centre of gravity in our family, without her we would have fallen apart long time ago- especially with dad ambitious plans.

There is nothing wrong with being ambitious but for someone in my dad's age, it was embarrassing. Also, he have to take care of a family of three but instead of spending that money on us, he spent it on worthless plans. I have never given up on him and I don't think I have it in me to ever do that to him. But it get exhausting after 8 years of running around the country with him. But as long as he is happy, I guess I don't care. I know my mom wasn't too thrilled about it either but there are moments when I can tell that she is happy so I just shut up and go on with my days.

Thinking too much about my dad made me forget about school for a second but then as soon as it appeared in sight, my heart rate picked up. Is this going to be a daily thing?

I walked inside as gracefully as I could. I could tell people were staring at me or it was just my imagine, I'm still not sure.

"Hey, girl!" A sudden voice came from behind me and I almost screamed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." She smiled sheepishly and I shook my head at her.

"It's okay, I was distracted." I smiled reassuringly at Ana. 

We walked up to our lockers which were both in the second floor. We chatted a little about random stuff, mostly school drama. When I finally saw my locker, I smiled because the guys were standing there. Nathan and Edward seemed to be bickering about something while Jeffery and Aries chuckled at them. That sight filled my heart with a feeling I hate to admit.

"Are you friends with them?" Ana seemed shocked and I didn't understand why. They are just boys so what if I am friends with them?

"I guess." I shrugged. We haven't discussed any of that. I don't like to put a label on it but this is the closest word to describe what we have between the five of us.

"Hey, guys." I smiled brightly at them. Edward embraced me in a side hug while the others just waved or nodded. Edward was very bubbly the opposite of Jeffery and Aries. Nathan on the other hand wasn't bubbly nor dead silent like the others. He was in between. Ana cleared her throat and I blushed. How did I forget to introduce her?!

"This is Roxana, Ana for short. Ana, this is Aries, Nathan, Jeffery and Edward." I pointed to each one them. She said hi shyly before excusing herself so she can get ready for her class.

"She seems nice." Nathan smiled.

"She is." I replied. It's only been one day but I like her already. We chatted a little bit before Aries offered to walk me to class since we have it together. I gladly took his offer and we walked silently to the main hall.

"How are you settling in so far?" He asked.

"Okay, I guess. New York is handful." I chuckled.

"Tell me about it." He grinned.

"It is truly the city that doesn't sleep." I added and he nodded.

"You haven't seen half of it yet." He winked at me and my breaths hitches before I chuckled it off.

We finally arrived to our class with a few seconds to spare. Aries said that he usually sits alone but he won't mind sharing the desk with me. I smiled to show my gratitude as the teacher came in. I wasn't paying attention to the teacher since I have already taken this class before in my last school, I just needed to fill my schedule. My attention was directed else where. I couldn't help but glance at Aries every few seconds. I hadn't noticed that he has freckles until now. Because we were sitting next the window and it just so happens that it was sunny. His skin had a nice glow to it and it looked healthy, I almost felt jealous of him. My own skin was problematic because of stress. I do take good care of it but I tend to get acne around stressful times such as this one.

I try not to think about my skin because I will get more self-conscious. I don't need that on my plater.

"Hailee?" Aries's voice cut me off from my thoughts and I turned my gaze at him.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You just paled a little, are you okay?" He asked. I could see a hint of concern in his eyes.

"I'm good, just thinking." I smiled reassuringly, I seem to do that a lot.

"Okay, class!" The teacher clapped his hands.

"I'm gonna need you to write an essay or a poem about what does home means to you. It's due the end of semester so you've got a lot of time." Our creative writing teacher explained. He was younger than the other teachers, he was in his late twenties and absolutely loves reading or at least that what Ana told me. She said that he always gives them something weird to write about because he enjoys reading different perspectives on certain things.

"This should be fun." I heard Aries mutter while rolling his eyes. Honestly, I would have rolled my eyes too if I knew how.

The bell rang and we were out of the door. I was already too tired and it's not even second period yet. This is going to be a long day. Hopefully the anticipation for taco is enough to get me through the day.

The cafe/restaurant that the students eat in is serving tacos today and it has been a while since I had one.

I bid my goodbyes to Aries before heading towards the chemistry lab. I shared it with Ana and I couldn't wait. Chemistry was my favorite amongst other science-y subjects.

As soon as I entered, Ana pulled me next to her. She made me drop my bag, which was hanging on my shoulder, and almost trip. She smiled sheepishly while shrugging and I just shook my head.

The teacher was a few minutes late so Ana decided to talk about the boys.

"How are you friends with them?" She whispered-yelled. I looked at her weirdly.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"How did you get them to talk to you?! They never ever talk to anybody outside their squad. They are so secretive and mysterious. They are technically the bad boys around here." Again she was whispering and I still didn't get why, the whole class was literally talking out loud.

"We met by pure coincidence, honestly." I shrugged again.

"And what's up with the bad boys thing? They seem nice and okay. Not gonna lie at first glance they were a little scary but I don't think they are harmful in any way." I added. Before she could say anything else, the teacher came in and he looked pissed. The class suddenly went quiet. From the looks of it this is going to one hell of a class and not in a fun way.

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