10.| uchel

859 21 17

{Welsh} 》high

H a i l e e

"I'm gonna kill a bitch today." Ana muttered next to me and I chuckled lowly. We were in the middle of a class. We were taking biology and a few boys were being extremely silly. They kept asking stupid questions and made fun of the teacher. It was always like that in biology and we barely understood anything the teacher was saying. Most of the time, he just yells at the guys. To be honest, biology isn't my favourite thing in the world and having idiots for classmates made it even more harder to like the subject. What made this lesson a little more bearable was Ana's comments that she threw here and there. She usually doesn't mean to say them out loud but she gets so angry with the guys that she forgets to lower her voice.

"Five more minutes, my god.." She sighed and literally banged her head on the desk. I heard her mumbled an ouch and I giggled.

I felt much better today. I was more calm and my head was kind of straight. I did some breathing exercises with mom this morning and I'm quite shocked that they actually worked. 

The day went on amazingly. I didn't have any kind of an attack and I spent most of my time with Ana. Lunch came by and we couldn't be more excited. We headed to the cafe across the street where we usually go. The boys, as always, arrived there first. They sat at our usual table while we ordered our food.

"So...Ana, I see you've been spending more time with Nathan." I wiggled my eyebrows. I was a sucker for love stories and I could see some sparks between these two.

"I'm helping him with English, that's all." She blushed which mean there is more to it but before I could ask anymore questions, the food arrived. We took our orders and walked to the table. I sat in my usual spot next to Aries and Ana sat next Nathan.

"Heyyy, beautiful!" Aries grinned and my eyes widened. This was so out of character from him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Aries got into a fight last night..." Edward began to say when Jeffery cut him off.

"The idiot gave him too much painkillers." He glared at Edward and Edward grimaced.

"Where is he hurt?" I asked.

"He fractured a rib." Edward frowned. I had so many questions. Why was he in a fight? Did he go to an actual doctor? Did all the guys fight too? Was it between them or were they fighting someone else?

"So...he is high on meds." Ana said.

"Basically." Nathan nodded. Both me and Ana sighed. I shook my head at the boys and decided to do the right thing and that is to drive Aries home.

"He needs rest." I stated.

"I agree but he won't stay alone in his house." Edward shrugged. I stared quizzically at him. The almighty Aries doesn't like to stay alone in his house?

"It's okay, I'll stay and look after him. Someone please drive me to his house because mine isn't empty at the moment." My sister skipped school today and mom was with her in the house so I couldn't just take an injured boy and tend to him in my room.

"Fine. I'll drive you." Jeffery said as he stood up. I smiled at him but I didn't think he noticed it.

"C'mon buddy, let's get you home." Weirdly enough high Aries was quiet while we were discussing him. He just kept playing with the salt and pepper shakers. Jeffery helped him up and walked him to his car while I waved goodbye to the rest. When we reached the car, I helped Jeffery put Aries in the back seat. He put the seatbelt on him before heading to the driver's side. I sat in the passenger seat silently as we made our way through the city. I'm usually a very awkward person but being here with Jeffery in a silent car was the most awkward thing I had to go through. Knowing he dislikes me made it even worse and I sat there like a statue. I thought high Aries would lighten up the mood but he kept zoning out.

"Did I do something wrong?" I finally got the courage to ask him.

"No." He answered and I nodded. He kept his gaze on the road and never once glanced my way. I felt pretty frightened in his presences. I didn't know whether it was his bruised knuckles or his cold eyes but there was definitely something scary about him. My anxiety picked the worse time to act up. My breathing became shallow and all I wanted was for the floor to open up and swallow me. I have never been to Aries house so I didn't know when were we going to get there and that is what panicked me. I knew his house had to be close by because nobody likes driving long distance in New York although if I had Aries's Audi I wouldn't mind driving in it forever. I also learned that he doesn't like to drive to his job in the mall because the parking lots are always crowded. Suddenly, the car came to a halt. We were parked in front of a small two stories house. Its bricks were bright red and the street lamps, that were on each side of it, looked quite old. The neighbourhood looked like something out of a tumblr picture.

Jeffery helped Aries out and opened the door to the house with his own key. I was behind them the whole time. I was awestruck by the coziness and simplicity of the house yet it was awfully quiet and lonely.

Aries laid down on the couch as Jeffery helped him take his shoes off. I have never seen Jeffery so compassionate before and it kind of warmed my heart. After that he covered Aries with blankets and took me to the kitchen.

"There is everything you would need to make a chicken soup in the fridge. There is my number." He said as he handed me a sticky note.

"Take good care of him, okay?" He looked genuinely worried and I didn't blame him. Aries was seriously injured and I was still a stranger to Jeffery so I understand his worry.

"I will." I nodded. I hoped that my eyes showed how sincere I was because I really care for Aries and I don't want him to hurt anymore.

Jeffery said one last goodbye to Aries before heading back to school. I closed the door behind him and locked it for safety majors. I walked back to the living room and stared at high Aries. Despite being in pain and high, he refused to sleep. He wanted to do something, anything but I didn't let him. So I sat next to him and we talked until he got hungry.

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