11.| maskar

853 21 8

{Swedish} 》worms

H a i l e e

    Aries smiled widely at me after I sat down his bowl of the soup on the table. I had finished feeding him. His right arm was hurting him from the fractured rib and he couldn't move it so I offered help and he gladly took it.

"I'm not that great of a cook but I hope you liked it." I smiled sheepishly. My mom, dad and sister always make fun of me because I am the worst cook out of all of them. My skills aren't that great in spite of my parents being amazing at it. I guess I am just not up for it.

"It was great, thank you." He smiled. I was kneeling on the floor next to his head. He looked so tired but somehow still managed to look handsome. A hair had fallen on his eye so I brushed it back. He sighed in content.

"Can you keep playing with my hair?" He asked. I thought only girls liked that. I chuckled softly to myself.

"Of course." I kept running my hand through his soft brown locks. He tilted his head to the side so he was facing me. He stared silently at me.

"My mom used to always do that." He whispered.

"Yeah?" I smiled. I noticed his use of past tense but I didn't want to assume anything yet.

"She used to sing to me too. She had brown hair and beautiful greenish eyes. Her hair now is completely white. I tried to convince her to dye it since my mom isn't that old but she said she liked the white hair. She said it makes her feel like she lived thousands of lives but in a good way, you know?" I could tell that he was drifting to sleep since his eyes were closed and his voice was getting lower.

"You know, Hailee. You're a great person. If you two ever meet, she would really like you." I smiled.

"I bet I'll like her just as much." He hummed. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, I felt a little light headed and I didn't know whether it was Aries breathtaking face or his compliment.

Light snores were heard just after a few seconds from our conversation. I lifted the blanket up until it reached his shoulders and went to get a book from my backpack. I always tend to carry a book with me whether it is an actual book or an e-book. The presence of books calmed me. It gave me a sense of security, like nothing could ever harm me when I have my books. It also helps me a lot with my anxiety and I don't meaning like reading books about mental illness or how to deal with anxiety. I could literally be reading any book and it would still calm my anxiety down. Also, it fills up my free time and to be honest I'm afraid to be left alone with my mind for too long. That's why I'm always either listening to music or reading. It keeps my mind pretty occupied.

I glanced over at Aries again, checking up on him. He was still sound asleep. I was curious as to why he was in a fight. I have heard that the boys fight but I have never seen them actually do it. They seemed pretty chill except Jeffery, he was a whole other story. I never took Aries for the fighting type. Also, he might seem like a hot headed but nothing irrational comes out of him. Worry settled in my gut as I started thinking about what could have caused the fight and before I knew it my eyes shut. I fell asleep on the armchair with an open book on my lap.

● ● ●

I woke an hour later, my neck ached from my sleeping position and I felt quite cold. I set up straighter, my face started burning when I noticed a drool on the side of the face. Thanks God Aries was asleep and didn't see that, but he wasn't actually sleeping. When I looked over at the couch, he was nowhere to be seen so I panicked. I stood up and I opened my mouth to yell for Aries when he came out of the kitchen with a cup of water in his hand.

"Aries, you shouldn't have walked around." I sighed.

"I needed some water." He smiled.

"You could've woke me." I said as I helped him settle on the couch.

"And disturb your power nap, besides you were drooling adorably." He smirked and my face flushed all over again.

"You saw that?" I muttered as I smoothed over his blanket.

"Of course, it was as clear as the sun." He smirked again and I chuckled shyly. I usually don't drool, it was probably the sleeping position that caused it.

I watched him adjust himself to a comfortable position then I decided to ask the question that was burning a hole in my brain. I knew it was none of my business and I don't like to let curiosity get me but I didn't like to see him, or any of the guys, hurt.

"Ari, you still haven't told me why are you hurt?" I have never called him by a nickname before but I felt like it would soften the situation a little bit, maybe.

"Ari?" He grinned a little.

"Yeah, my new nickname for you, now can you please tell me why you're hurt?" I ignored his poor attempt to change the subject and focused on the important matter, him. He sighed in defeat before answering.

"You know how Nathan is Mexican, right?" He asked and I nodded.

"So...he kind of got here illegally and he owes some shitty people some money." He said and I frowned.

"They got into a fight and Jeffery and I stepped in to help. That's the whole story." He, also, frowned slightly as he remembered the events of yesterday.

"Is there anything I could do to help any of you?" I asked. Nathan is a friend and I would do anything to help. I would even marry him if he needs the green card.

"You have already done too much." He smiled at me.

"It's nothing really, you're all my friends and I don't like to see you in trouble." And that was completely sincere, from the bottom of my heart. I don't know what they have done to me but I have gotten awfully close to them. I was against having friends this time around because we always seem to leave after few months or years and I didn't want my heart to break again. But these guys made their way into my heart like a worm makes its way into an apple, specifically Aries. He seems different, wise and mature unlike half of the guys in my grade. He is also extremely fun to be around. They all are.

"Don't worry, hopefully it won't happen again." He smiled reassuringly and I nodded. Hopefully.

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