22.| cena

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{Spanish} 》diner

H a i l e e

      Nostalgia is a weird feeling yet amazing. It is a trip down memory lane. Personally, it makes me feel giddy, happy and sometimes sad. Sad that those moments had passed, that they are only in my mind. I have noticed that the best moments, the moments I would like to relive, revisit often only exist in my mind. Like seeing an incredible view somewhere but your phone is dead so you couldn't take a picture so you can't really live that moment again or see the view as clear as the first time.

I was feeling very nostalgic, I came across a favorite song of mine that I always listen to but this version was different. Counting stars, it's a well-known song that is still relevant even after years and like I said I listen to it all the time. But the one that I love even more is a cover made by R5 and The Vamps. I adore both bands and it was an absolute joy to see them work together. This cover made me listen to the original. Without it I wouldn't have made such a discovery.

This cover is near and dear to my heart because after I listened to it, I got an amazing news. This cover fills me with hope, the song isn't necessarily about that but when I listened to it my dream came true. My favorite bands at the time were singing together and I got accepted in this futuristic type of a camp. 

So when I accidentally came across it, I was filled with hope again. I felt like everything is okay and it was.

It's those rare moments that I continue to live for. The moments of absolute peace and quiet, where your mind is filled with nothing but hope and happiness, where your heart isn't aching anymore, where everything seemed perfect even if it was just for a second.

I smiled softly to myself. Being in New York has changed me. It made me feel lighter, happier, more open, my anxiety wasn't defining me anymore nor was my weight or my physical appearance. I don't know whether it was the atmosphere around me or the people that I surround myself with or just me that helped me, but I was definitely...better. So much better.

Suddenly, my alarm clock went off. It reminded me that my break was over. It was my second day at work and it has been great so far. Unfortunately, Aries wasn't there yesterday. He took a day off forgetting that it was my first day, he apologised over the phone yesterday which was very sweet of him, he didn't really need to apologise, especially not to me.

I went back outside. I hid away in the break room till my break was over. I wasn't hungry nor did I bring enough money to buy something reasonable anyway.

I helped some customers here and there. Returned clothes to their places and made sure the dressing rooms were all clean. After that, I headed to the register. It was my turn to be a cashier today. Aries arrived soon after. From what I gathered he only works part-time. I work full time on the weekends and part-time during school days. It was better this way. My schedule also didn't intertwine with Aries's as much as I hoped to. We only see each other in the store three days a week. But it's not like I need to see him more than that, I see enough of him in school.

"How's your day going?" He asked as I took the register next to him. I flashed him a smile before answering.

"It has been great." It truly has. It wasn't as crowded as yesterday and I was definitely not as nervous as I was yesterday.

"The boss is pleased with you." He smirked. "I'm proud of you." This time a genuine smile appeared on his face. My heart fluttered at his statement and my cheeks heated up.

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