"Get up and get ready! We're going to the mall." Becky announces as she walks into Camila's room, not even bothering to knock or anything.
Camila squeaks in surprise, clutching at her heart that definitely just skipped a few beats and sitting up her bed. "Fuck! Can't you knock or something?"
"Since when have you and I ever knocked when entering each other's rooms?" Becky snorts, moving towards Camila's closet and looking through the selection of clothes that hung along the rack.
Camila shrugs. Becky did have a point. They never knocked. But that doesn't change the fact that Camila had been abruptly awoken by Becky's loud announcement. Her heart was still racing. "What am I getting ready for again?" She yawns loudly, moving her warm blankets off of her body and swinging her legs off of the bed.
Becky chucks a shirt at her face, snorting when Camila doesn't even try to catch it as it smacks into her. "We're going to the mall." Becky repeats and Camila frowns.
It's not that she didn't like the mall or anything, but really, she wasn't in the mood to go out and do things. She originally had plans with Lauren, Ally, Normani, and Dinah, but then they had all simultaneously cancelled on her so now she was getting the idea that maybe they didn't like her anymore. Maybe Dinah hadn't liked her when they met and she told everyone else to stay clear.
Whatever the reason, Camila had been pretty bummed since and Becky knew this, seeing as Camila had ranted to her last night how upset she was about the whole situation. Becky had looked almost guilty, but allowed her to hang around her and her girlfriend Naomi since Camila didn't really want to be alone.
Becky gives Camila a small smiling, as if reading her thoughts. Becky was always pretty good at reading Camila since the two had grown up together since they were ten. "Come on. Laying here and sulking isn't going to make you feel better."
"It might." Camila defends.
"It won't. But you know what actually might? Coming to the mall with your amazing sister and her girlfriend." Becky wiggles her brows, trying to make the idea sound very exciting. When Camila only gives her an unimpressed look, Becky sighs.
"Please Mila?" Becky pouts and Camila groans.
"Fine, but we are not spending the whole time looking at makeup. There's only so much of that I can handle. And I wanna stop by PetCo to look at the puppies." Camila bargains and Becky smiles widely.
"Deal. Be ready in a half hour?" Becky half asks and half demands, chucking a pair of jeans at Camila so that she had almost her whole outfit picked out for her.
"Yes Ma'am." Camila agrees, rubbing at her eyes and fully pulling herself out of the bed. She starts striping before Becky's even left the room, not caring a single bit if Becky sees her naked. Something you learn about having a sister is that they are going to see, hear, and experiences things that, under a mutual understanding, are never going to leave this house.
"Are we picking up Naomi or is she meeting us there?" Camila asks as she pulls on the top that Becky picked out.
"Actually, she's picking us up." Becky answers, observing Camila's shoes before grabbing a pair and dropping them next to Camila's feet. "Thirty minutes. Don't be late. I'll be downstairs with Na." She says before walking out of the room and singing as she makes her way down the hall.
"This better be a good distraction." Camila calls out after her.
"It will be!" Becky sings back.
Thirty minutes later, Camila is ready to go.... Her hair is mostly done, since she doesn't really do anything to it, her teeth are brushed, and some light makeup has been applied. She grabs a banana for her breakfast.

Texting You
FanfictionLauren and her friends get bored one night and decide to prank text someone... maybe they take it a little bit too far? Camren Au I DO NOT ALLOW CONVERSIONS !!