Lauren rubs Camila back as the girl downs her shot and breaks out into a fit of coughs when it burns her throat and some of it goes down the wrong pipe. She can't help but chuckle because although Camila's isn't a light weight so to say, it's obvious that she doesn't have a ton of experience with hardcore alcohol.
"I usually stick to wine." Camila admits when she stops coughing and Lauren nods her head adoringly at the girl. Lauren doesn't know how it's possible for her to think that everyone that Camila does it endearing, but she does and she certainly isn't complaining.
Lauren smiles, taking her own shot and swallowing it with only a mere cringe at the burn that follows. Camila pouts. "What? That's not fair. Why are you cooler than me?!"
Lauren laughs, pulling Camila into her side. At this point, they're both pretty drunk, though still mostly coherent and aware and it's becoming obvious that both of them are affectionate drunks. They've been touching and kissing and pulling each other into awkward hugs all night. "Hey, at least you're better than Dinah." Lauren giggles, pressing a sloppy kiss onto Camila's head before pointing across the room where Dinah was already completely smashed.
Dinah was laughing loudly at something that Becky or Naomi said, since they were who she was talking to, and slowly but surely, leaning to one side until she loses her balance and topples over, stumbling on her feet to try to keep herself up.
Normani appears almost out of nowhere, reaching out and grabbing the girl by the arm. "Jesus Christ!" Normani scolds the girl though there's obvious amusement in her voice. At this point, they were all very used to Dinah's obliviousness towards her limits.
It's not that she doesn't have control of her drinking, because she does. She only drinks at parties or when they hang out, that's it. But she never knows when she's had too much until it's spilling from her mouth and everyone's disgusted.
And it happens every single time.
Camila giggles back, nodding her head despite the way that Lauren's clutching it in her hands like some precious item or something and making it incredibly difficult for her to do so. "Drunky Dinah." She mumbles, causing both girls to laugh.
"Are you tired yet?" Lauren asks, knowing that on a normal night, Camila was usually out by eleven thirty unless she'd had some sort of afternoon nap. They'd hoped, however, that by mixing their vodka with rock-star energy drinks, that they could cancel some things out and keep her away long enough to celebrate the new year.
Camila shakes her head. "Nope." She answers, a little smile on her face as she looks around the room. Suddenly her face becomes panicked and she turns to Lauren, clumsily grabbing at her face and turning it towards her own. "Laur!" She squeaks worried.
"What's wrong?" Lauren asks, her words coming out muffled because of the grip that Camila had on her cheeks.
"How are we supposed to kiss and eat twelve grapes on new years?!?" Camila releases Lauren's face and instead presses a hand to her forward, her skin wrinkled in distress.
"Oh...." Lauren hadn't thought of that. Could they eat twelve grapes and kiss in the span of a minute? Maybe if their kiss lasted only a few mere seconds.... but where was the fun in that?!
"Our entire year is ruined." Camila decides dramatically, taking another sip of her drink and making a face as it goes down. Camila's energy drink had been flavored watermelon, but she already thought energy drinks tasted like poison so it didn't really make the vodka go down any better.

Texting You
FanfictionLauren and her friends get bored one night and decide to prank text someone... maybe they take it a little bit too far? Camren Au I DO NOT ALLOW CONVERSIONS !!