8:31 AM
*20Gayteen**Allycat has changed her name to Allz*
Have I ever mentioned how much I love Camren?DJ:
Uh ohCamz:
Ally what did you do?Allz:
Can't I just love Camren without having done something?Camz:
YesBut that never happens
Okay so maybe I took Gus to the parkCamz:
Well that doesn't sound too badAlz:
Maybe it was rainingCamz:
This sounds a little more badAlz:
Maybe he wanted to make friends with the ducks in the pond and maybe I let him off the leash to do so and maybe he got a little muddy?Camz:
How much is a little?Allz:
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My poor babyOur poor kitchen floor!
He likes it!And it's not that messy, I managed to contain him to only the kitchen and the living room
My parents are coming home from their valentines get away at noonYou will be cleaning up that mess and bathing the dog
Good luck!
Wait! You said you'd be back at 9!!Camz:
That was before you got my child and my house all muddyAllz:
I've got to go to work!!Camz:
Someone's gotta bathe him and clean up and it's not going to be any member of camrenAllz:
Why not?Camz:
1st off, you're the one who took him off his leash when we said not to2ndly, I'm sore
Sore.... yeah uh huhI'm sure that has nothing to do with your romantic night up at Lauren's family's cabin huhhhh
'Oh dinah Lo was so romantic she got me flowers and chocolates and said i was the prettiest girl in the whole world'
'she obviously hadn't seen herself, but it still made my heart explode'
'also you should have seen that dress! I wanted to rip it off and kiss her all over'
Dinah, when i tell you things, I tell you them in confidence that you will not use them against me

Texting You
FanfictionLauren and her friends get bored one night and decide to prank text someone... maybe they take it a little bit too far? Camren Au I DO NOT ALLOW CONVERSIONS !!