What's..... This?-HanByung

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(Words in Bold are in English)

Han-Byung P.O.V

We exit the bus that took us to Como zoo park.

Today was so fun, today also proved how popular my girls were. 

There were so many fans following us, I even took selfcas with a lot of fans.

Well of course I am good looking, that's why. 

We couldn't go into groups like we planned due to Kingdoms. Oh, yeah.

Kingdom is 5QUEENZ fandom name, and the name was suggested by Bell, and Lina.

The name kingdom was chosen because 5QUEENZ wouldn't be queens if they don't have a kingdom. Which mean that with their fans, they think they mean nothing. Also Lina came up with that BTS, their sunbae-nims always protected them from danger. Also that some Armies have commit to help 5QUEENZ along with BTS.


Queens -> Bts(who is like body guards to the girls cuz they are overprotective)

Kingdom -> Army.

Or a queen(5QUEENZ) would fallen without anyone protecting them(BTS helped them in South Korea), and an kingdom wouldn't survive without an Army.

BTS even agreed to the fan name which surprised me by a bit. 

But beside that, if they wanted to name their fans that then they can, it doesn't matter to me that much. As long as the girls are happy, and safe then I am fine.

It was hard to communicate at first but I tried to learn English and Hmong so I can communicate while they learn korean, and taught me some English. 

The first word was 'Fuck, shit, bitch, and motherfucker'.

I asked what they mean and Lina perfectly said them in Korean which I was a bit surprised at it first when they first talked to me. But I had way more surprises coming when I first meet them, and now. 

They are...... Very unexpected I''l say.

Once we got back the van after riding the bus from Como Park, the driver who was Bell's uncle that was free from work. He asked us where they wanted to go.

They all scream, "Hmong Village, Johnson street!" 

"Okay, leggo!" Bell's uncle cheered.

The ride was pretty quick or it was just that everyone had fun talking that it seemed too quick.

"Here we are!"

The girl ran out of the car, as I spirinted after them. 

"Careful!" I screamed at Bell as she almost got hit by a car.

"Oops" Bell laughed.

"Oppa, pali!!!" Lina dragged me by my wrist into the store.

I was first greeted by colorful traditional Hmong dresses, and silver jewelry. 

"Woah.." I breath was taken away, it was so pretty.

"Let's go eat!" Nana speed walk to the left.

"We just ate....." I whispered.

"That doesn't mean we still have space" Sheila smiled.

"Well, I wanna eat too so let's go" I just shrugged my shoulders as I also really want to eat again.

There were so much food, there are crispy pork belly, really big chicken wings. Which Lina said that they were stuff with thin glass noodles, I really wanted to try it so Lina bought two carry out boxes of them, and she said that she also ordered sticky rice on the side of the chicken.

She also got two boxes of Pad Thai, Bell got I think it is a Papaya salad. Well I'll just say they bought a lot of food. Once we finally sat down to eat. Lina was drinking a chocolate Boba tea as she was opening the boxes.

A really strong smell attacked my nose as I covered my nose.

"What's that?" I grumbled as I cowered away from the food.

"Papaya salad" all the girls repiled.

"Now, AHHHHH" Nana tried to feed me.

"Oh hellll nah" I replied.

But when I said that, Lina already shoved some into my mouth.

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