Bart Callaghner (10-year reunion)

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Hey guys! Disclaimer: I don't own PJO and HoO. :)
Bart Callaghner P.O.V
It's been ten years since I have met the love of my life, Calypso, and I'm sure that she had dumped that scrawny a**hole of her boyfriend. High school relationships don't work out, especially with Boyfriends that can't protect themselves. I have gotten more muscle and I started BC Tech, the second best technology business in the world! That's right, I topped Samsung And Apple! But my rival is Olympian Technology, the best and most successful technology business in the word. But Olympian Technology is From Olympian Businesses, the most luxurious company in the world. Anyways, I'm also rich! Bet Leo couldn't be more rich than I am!

I stepped out of my limousine, crowded by people with handphones and cameras saying "Mr. Callahgner! Over here! An interview please!" Or "Sir! Can I have your autograph ?" I ignored them, because they are just starstruck fans that are filthy. Ew. I entered the event room and looked for that familiar caramel brown hair of Calypso's. Sadly she hasn't come yet.

Suddenly, crowds of people rushed past me and crowded around a limousine that had symbol of a weird gold coin. I could Recognise that symbol anywhere! It was the symbol for Olympian Businesses! What are they doing here?!
A couple stepped out, the Male looked Latino but had some muscles, no doubt that he was the owner of Olympian Technology! And a woman, no wait! It was Calypso! Who was the man then? Could it be...Leo?! Great. Just great.
Leo was trying to sign and take pictures with fans , while Calypso was smiling at the cameras too. I walked to them and introduced myself ,"Hello. I'm Bart Callaghner, owner of BC Tech."

Leo scowled as he recognised me."Bart Callaghner, eh? Hope you don't hit on Calypso again or you know."

I gave up, knowing that there's no way I could get Calypso. I spotted a pretty girl sitting on one of the chairs. I approached her and said," Care to dance, m'lady?" As I stuck out my hand for her to grab. She nodded and we danced away.

Now I'm happily married to my beautiful Wife, Emily Callaghner. We have three children, Ryder, Bella and Ruby. Bella and Ruby are twins and they are 6, while Ryder is 8.
And that's how I met Caleo.
435 Words! Short because I want it to be short. 2 in a day. I'm getting my spirit back! Still lazy tho.
Once lazy, always lazy. Team lazy
✌🏻️ Peace!

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