Camp Oak-Forest (Camp Half-Blood, NM)

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Hectate's been injured so the Mist is gone, and the gods revealed themselves. When Hectate's healed, she will manipulate the Mist to make it look like it was just a prank.
Camp Oak-Forest, I know. Based on the forest around CHB. I dunno if it's oak or not so Yeah.
Disclaimer: I don't own PJO and HoO. Uncle Rick the extreme troller does.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
James Anderson (Director of COF)'s P.O.V
"Hey! I'm James Anderson, Camp Director of Camp Oak Forest. Nice to meet you." I stuck my hand out to Clark Brunner, Camp Director of Camp CHB-Delphi. I know, my camp's name is so much better than his. Camp CHB-Delphi? Hah.(A/N he's an arrogant jerk waiting 4 money.)

"Nice to meet you. I'm Clark Brunner, Camp Director of Camp CHB-Delphi. We are here to discuss our deal, are we not?"

"Yes, we are indeed." If you don't know what the deal is, it's basically very simple. He will have to give me some money, about a 1000 dollars or so because I am building a camp near his. My camp is a luxury camp for rich children, unlike Clark's, it is very luxurious with the best food. And the most well-planned architecture and activities. (Yeah, if you're not sure, I can ask Annabeth to check it.) Clark's camp is like it's activities, old and boring.

"So why am I paying money?"

"Because your camp is visiting my camp!" Silly.

"I do not understand. You want my camp to visit yours and I will be giving you money?"

"Yes, it is an entrance fee. How much campers do you have?"

"I have about 150 campers. But let me get this straight. You want my campers to visit your camp?" He said, elaborating 'You', 'My' and 'Your'.

"Yes, and you will have to pay about 15 000 dollars."

" This is absurd! It should be free! Do you not know how to deal?"

"What, it is a luxury camp for children, maybe even young demigods will come! I will be more honoured than you will be!" (Yeah he will, considering that CHB is a demigod camp, it's pretty normal, no need to be honoured.)

"Young demigods, eh? Perhaps I can ask my campers."

"So is it a deal?"

"No, not really." With that, he walked away. Hmph. Rude.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Chiron's P.O.V
That James just wants money, he invited CHB to visit his camp, but in doing so, we must pay $15 000! How unreasonable! Right now, I am addressing the camp of this problem during the campfire. The fire was a dull gray, due to the fact that Hectate was sick and the Mist was gone

"CAMPERS! I have news to make! The Camp Director of our new Neighbouring camp, Camp Oak-Forest has invited us to his camp. But in doing so, we must pay him a fee of $15 000! Shall we go?" Campers here and there shouted both 'yes' and 'no', and the campfire became a bright yellow. It was about 2 meters high, and it was extremely hot. (Yes I use meters)

"Since we have an uneven number, we shall do a poll! Tonight, come to the Big House to put in your votes, yes or no, and we will decide by tomorrow. Any questions?" An Athena camper raised his hand.

"Yes, Lincoln?"

"Where will we get the money from?"

"I will ask the gods."

A Hermes camper raised her hand.

"Yes, Emily?"

"Can we steal?" The Hermes cabin cheered.

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