Angela Victurri/Jeremiah Vas (Jiper/Jasper)

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Sorry to all of you that have been waiting, and thank you to ravenqueen4life for supporting me!
(Do you think I'm bad at 3rd Person p.o.vs?)
Angela Victurri's P.O.V
"All right, students, and before we go, I would like to inform you that would be having a road trip to the Grand Canyon with another school. I'll hand out the permission slips for your parents or guardians to sign." Mrs. Grant announced as she handed out some flimsy looking pieces of paper. As I took my permission slip, I turned my head to look at my best friend, Piper McLean. Her multi coloured eyes were gazing at the paper in awe, and she looked like she was remembering something nice. I decided to write her a note.

(Bold-Angela Italics-Piper)
Hey, Pipes, why u so excited?
I passed the note to her. She took awhile to read it since she was dyslexic.
Smthing nice happned there.
I wont tell u ;)
I groaned in frustration and glared at her. She made a peace sign and looked away.
Jeremiah Vas's P.O.V
"All right, students, and before we go, I would like to inform you that would be having a road trip to the Grand Canyon with another school. I'll hand out the permission slips for your parents or guardians to sign." Mr. Scabbard said.
(*cough* sorry for the copy & paste haha)
He handed out the papers for us to give to our parents to sign. Yay, I was going on a road trip to the Grand Canyon! I've always liked Geography stuff, and I sure knew how to 'state one example of erosion you observed'. Huzzah. I looked around the class and saw my Friend Jason Grace looking at the air like he saw some sparkly glitter flying through. He snapped back to reality and realised his hand.

"Yes, Jason?" Mr. Scabbard asked

"Um, what school will we be going with?"

"Highland New York High School. No more questions."

Jason mumbled a yessss like so Low, no one could hear it. (Except me, of course.)

----------------Time skip.-------------
WHOOO! It's time for the big outing! The students shuffled into the bus one by one. I saw Jason waving me over to sit with him. I quickly squeezed over to the seat next to him and plopped down on the seat.

"Yo, dude, you excited?" I asked.

"Yeah, bro, got your worksheet?" Jason replied.

"Mhm. Oh boy, I'm so gonna rock this worksheet, it's too easy!" I boasted. Jason looked at me like I was crazy.

"What?" I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Oh, uh, nothing. Y'know, this reminds me of my last trip to the Grand Canyon." Jason said.

"Pfft'," I told him, and went to sleep.

"ALRIGHT, CHILDREN, GET OFF THIS BUS NOW OR YOU'LL NEVER MAKE IT OUT ALIVE." Supervisor McSHIMMY said. What? That's what he wrote on his name tag. It said 'Hello! My name is Supervisor McSHIMMY'.
We all rushed down the bus in order to not get pulverised by McSHIMMY.

"Woah," Jason said as he walked out,"It's windy..." Yeah. It was quite windy. Quite nice, actually. But Jason looked like he was worried. Screech, another bus halted right beside the group. Out walked a chubby boi, a slutty girl, one fine lookin' lady with a braid, dragging another fine lookin' lady with feathers in her hair with her. She looked around, and her eyes landed on Jason. Her eyes widened. She gasped. (I think, was that— um, okay.) her Friend followed her based and gasped too. (I think.)

"J-Jason?" Girl 1 said. (Angela) Wait, how did she know Jason's name?

"Jason!" Girl 2 exclaimed. Her hair was blowing in the wind, she looked pale, but her eyes were glaring at him. Jason locked eyes with Girl 2 and shrugged.

"Sparky you better come with me" Girl 2 said, and dragged him to the edge of the canyon. They started visibly arguing, pointing at the Canyon and the sky.

"Wait. Aren't they like, scared they'll fall down into the canyon?" I asked Girl 1.

"I know right?! Like, Piper or Jason could fall in and- and..." She exclaimed.

"Like DIE! Wait, how did you know Jason?" I raised and eyebrow.

"Oh well, Pipes introduced me to him, she's his Boyfriend."

"WAIT WHAT? He never told me?"

"I Guess." She shrugged. "Oi, lovebirds, get your stinking butts up here!" She shouted to Jasper. (Aye, I'm using Ship names now!) Piper glared at Girl 1, but came over instead.

"Oh, um Jeremiah, this is Piper, my Girlfriend, and Angela, her Friend." Jason introduced.

"I figured." I shrugged.

In the end, I found out loads about them, like they met at the Grand Canyon, or that Piper's Cherokee, not Hualapai.
And that's how I met Jiper/Jasper
844 Words! Sorry for not updating, I have Writers block, but I've been having some ideas lately and now I'll need to hire a writer, haha.
Thanks to those who supported me, um, I don't know what else to write but yeah.

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