Alyna Makoshimada (Thalia Grace)

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Alyna Makoshimda above^^ (Found a great picture)
101 Reads. Oh Mai freaking Gods and Goddesses wow. Did not expect people reading this. This book has been only like, a little over a week old?! What!
Me: Guys can someone come here and say the disclaimers?
Percy: I'm not here!!
Me: Percy I know you're here. Come. Out. Now.
Percy: No! *Crosses arms like a 6-year old*
Me: Do I have to bribe you with Annabeth?!
Percy: Try Me!
Me: *Evil Grin* I'm gonna eat all the blue cookies if you don't come out!
Me: Thanks! By the way Percy, there are no blue cookies.
Percy: WHYYYYY?!
Thalia Grace 's P.O.V
Ugh. Here I am, standing in front of East Side High (A/N I'm sure u can tell it's made up.). Why am I here? Oh right. Because Lady Artemis wants her lieutenant to have education before traveling with her for the rest of her life, and to find more recruits. She thinks it's a great idea, but personally, it's horrible. While I'm here in High school stuck with love-sick girls and rude boys, the other Hunters are at Gods know where, traveling.

I walk up to the reception desk and said " I'm Thalia, I'm new here. Can I have my schedule?"

"No last name? We need it for you to get your schedule." The 1000-year old lady at the reception desk said.

"...Grace." I hesitantly replied.

" Thalia Grace. Here is your schedule." She handed me a piece of paper. I looked at it. Great. I have English next. Just great. A filthy boy walked up to me and said. " Hey, did it hurt when you fell from Heaven, cause' you're beautiful."
Wow. This was the fourth boy who came up to me and asked me out today ever since I stepped in school grounds.

"Two pieces of advice. One, do NOT tell a girl that she is a demon. Two, Do not ask me out. Ever." I growled. But unfortunately, his pea-sized brain could not take a hint. He'd suck at a treasure hunt game.

"Ooh, fiesty, i like it."

"Get out before I hurt you." I scowled.

"Hah, how can a girl like you hurt me? Anyways, wanna come t—"

"Hey! She clearly said back off! Can't you take a frikin hint?!" A girl answered. Surprised, The boy and I (Thanks Annabeth!) whipped our heads to across the corridor. There was a petite Japanese girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She had her hands on her hips. She wore a silver jacket, black tank Top, black jeans and boots, a similar outfit to mine, but I have a Silver parka and a circlet on my head. While he was distracted, I grabbed his wrist and judo-flipped him. I grunted. I put a foot on his chest and said while glaring "Mess with me again, I'll kill you." He quickly stood up and scrambled away. Wimp.

"Thanks for the distraction back there. I'm Thalia. You don't like boys?" I asked the girl.

"I'm Alyna Makoshimada, and yes I hate boys. You don't have a last name?"

"Prefer not to use it."

"Speaking of hating boys, would you like to join the Hunters of Artemis? It's a club where we hate boys, and make the 'girls are wimps' stereotype wrong. (A/N I'm a girl)" she said. Hunters of Artemis eh? Sounds totally familiar...wonder where I last heard it from *winks*.

"Sure! I'll love to join." I said. Let's see how they are in the boys section.

"Great! We meet up Everyday in the girls locker room, the only place where boys aren't allowed. Since you already have a circlet, we won't need to make another one."

Alyna Makoshimada 's P.O.V
"Sure! I'll love to join." She said. Wonderful! Samantha would love this piece of news!

"Great! We meet up Everyday in the girls locker room, the only place where boys aren't allowed. Since you already have a circlet, we won't need to make another one." I said.

"Oh, and please wear silver and black Everyday." I reminded her. She nodded and went to class. I went to Maths. I had it with Samantha, A.K.A Artemis.

"Hey Sam! I have good news!" I told her. She whipped her braided hair as she turned around to face me.

"What is the piece of good news, lieutenant Alyna?"

" We have a new recruit! Her name is Thalia, but she doesn't use her last name."

"Great! Did you tell her about the meetings and conditions?"


"Good. I'll tell her the rules today."

Yes! Sam accepted her!

"So are you Thalia, Miss?" Sam asked our new recruit.

She nodded. Sam told me that she was actually surprised to see that she had a circlet and was already wearing black and silver clothing.

"Okay. As we have a new recruit, I will go over the rules. Do not ask me questions until I  finished. 1.You shall call me Artemis. 2. We swear off boys no matter what. 3. Always wear your circlet. 4. Wear black and silver clothing Everyday. Any questions?" Samantha said.

Thalia raised her hand. "Yes?"

"Can I call you Sam instead? I don't really feel comfortable with calling you Artemis." Thalia explained.

To my surprise, Artemis nodded.
It's been 3 weeks since Thalia joined. She is a great recruit, always following the rules, except for rule number 1. Today I was sure that something good was going to happen. I don't know how, but I have a feeling in my gut. Oh, it's time for the meeting! I rush to the girls locker room. The meeting went as Normal, talking about girls and hating boys. As everyone was about to leave, Thalia stood up.

"Wait! I have an offer to make! May I, Sam?" She shouted. Sam nodded and let her continue.

" You may not know me, but I am Thalia Grace, Daughter of the Greek god Zeus and the lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis. You girls have proven worthy to be in the hunt. Will you all be willing to join the Hunt? We swear of boys and become immortal, unless you die in battle." She said, slamming about 20 brochures on the table. Yes, this is a small group. Everyone stared at her in shock as she left the room casually.

"Oh yeah, forgot to mention, tell me your choice tomorrow. Bye!" And she left.

Still, after decades, I have not regretted the decision to join the Hunt. And I can tell that my friends from school haven't too. Oh, I've got to go. Thalia is calling me.
And that's how I met Thalia Grace.
1171 Words!
Anyways, the ending gave me a tingling on my spine just by thinking of it. How touching.
It's like, 10:54 P.M so, I need to sleep.

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