Copperine Macey (Percabeth)

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Copperine Macey above^^
This is an AU where Percy is married to Annabeth and is an Olympic swimmer while Annabeth is in University.
*insert disclaimer here.*
Copperine Macey's P.O.V
I was walking with my Best Friend Annabeth Chase-Jackson, the smartest and most prettiest person in the school. I'm so Glad I'm friends with her. Anyways, she stopped abruptly and said, "Hey Copperine?" (Like Annabeth, I hate nicknames.)


"Did you know that Percy Jackson is coming to our school?" My heart stopped working when I heard 'Percy Jackson'.
If you don't know who he is, he's the youngest Olympic swimmer, and has gotten a whole pile of trophies and medals. Plus they're all GOLD medals. Also he's really handsome, and Alisha Jackson keeps claiming that she's his Wife. But majority of the students know that she isn't related to him at all. (Minority is Alisha and her minions.)

"P-Percy Jackson? As in O-Olympic swimmer P-Perseus Jackson?!"

"Yep!" Annabeth said, popping the 'P'. By then I would have fainted. Hey! It isn't Everyday that you get to see an extremely famous Olympic swimmer, let alone Percy Jackson!

"Wait, how would you know? Is this a prank?!"

"Just think of the most logical way."

"Umm, there's the possibility that one of the Teachers told you, you read about it somewhere, or... Percy told you himself!"


"Huh? Which one?"

"The most ridiculous one."


She just shrugged and walked away. Aww come on! The bell rang when I was going to ask her more! Curse you, bell, curse you!

------< Free time before lunch>------
I never saw Annabeth during the three periods before lunch. But she was correct, because in third period, the Ms. What's-Her-Name told the class that Percy was coming during lunch. Having taken out my lunch money from my locker, I walked to Annabeth's locker, since it was very far away from mine. I saw her walk up to her unopened locker and ran towards her.

"It's true Annabeth! It's true!" I squealed.

"Of course it's true, do think I lie?" She said while opening her locker. Inside was a paper bag with a note that said 'Ευτυχισμένη επέτειος, Annabeth! Εγώ, ο Tyson και ο Piper βοήθησαν να ψήσουν αυτό το γεύμα για εσάς, ελπίζουμε ότι σας αρέσει! (εξηγεί επίσης γιατί υπάρχει φυστικοβούτυρο και το γεγονός ότι είναι όμορφα διακοσμημένο.)' at the end, it said '-Percy.' In a very messy handwriting. I could barely read it.

"Awww." Annabeth cooed while she opened the bag. Inside there was a nicely decorated cupcake and an extremely loaded peanut butter sandwich. She stifled a laugh.

"Umm, Annabeth? Why is this here and why the heck is it from...Percy?"

"Oh, it's my boyfriend and i's anniversary, 18th August." She answered the first question.

"What about the second question huh?" She paled.

"Uh, let's uh, go to the... Ah, cafeteria to eat l-lunch!" She stuttered. I've honestly never seen Annabeth stutter before. Weird.

Annabeth reserved a table for us by sitting on it and eating her lunch by 'Percy' while I went to buy the very un- appetising cafeteria food. She nibbled the (extremely loaded) peanut butter sandwich while twirling her necklace with clay beads and a ring. As I was walking back to the table with my (very Un-appetising) cafeteria food, the cafeteria's usual chatter disappeared. I followed the gaze of all the students (except for Annabeth, she was too focused on eating her sandwich and twirling her necklace.) and saw the all-mighty Percy Jackson standing in the doorway with two bodyguards. Immediately, Alisha sashayed (or strutted, your choice.) towards him with her minions. The cafeteria was so quiet that you could hear their conversation.

"Hey, honey, are we still up for the date tonight?" Alisha said. Percy looked straight-up disgusted.

"Um, who are you? I only remember having a date with my Wife." Ah, the mysterious Wife.

"Silly, you forgot your own Wife? How pathetic."

"I remember my Wife, in fact, there she is right now." He said, pointing a finger to Annabeth 's direct- wait, ANNABETH?! Right now Annabeth was delicately holding the perfectly frosted blue cupcake, smirking at Percy.

"Hey, Wise-Girl, you like my cupcake?" He shouted to...Annabeth.

"Actually, it tasted like blue cement, but the frosting makes it better." She shouted back.

"Aw, come on! You know it was Piper's frosting, are you criticising my baking? I got my skills from the best blue cookie baker ever!"

"Speaking of blue cookies, where are my blue cookies?"

"Schist! I knew I forgot something! Let me go get them!" And then Percy ran out to get some 'blue cookies'.

At that moment, the whole school erupted with shouts like 'What?! Dumb blonde is Percy's wife?!' You-know-who and her minions shouted. There were also 'can I get your autograph?'s and 'can I get your pictures?'s all directed to Annabeth. I pushed past the crowd towards Annabeth, not caring about my food, because that food was literally a gray lump of probably ruined rice, and like, uncooked vegetables. I slammed my hand onto the table and said to her,

"What. The. ****. Just. Happened."

"Language, Macey, Language." She said.

"Just tell me already!"

"Alright fine Percy Is my Husband, we met in summer camp at twelve, we started dating at 16, and got married at 19. Don't ask." She practically shouted because of the noise. Then, Percy pushed past the crowd, placing a paper bag on the table. "Here your blue cookies. Oh wait, let me have one first." He said, taking one blue chocolate chip cookie and popping it into his mouth.

Then, Percy told everyone to line up so he could give them autographs.

When I went home, I started connecting one with another. Percy JACKSON and Annabeth Chase-JACKSON. I'm so stupid, I should've known earlier. I tore of some tape from my trusty tape dispenser and stuck the autographed photo of Percy, Annabeth and I on my wall.
And that's how I met Percabeth.
1064 Words! I'm getting past 1000 recently!!
About the ending, um, I was lazy.
Soo, here is your translation:
Happy anniversary, Annabeth! Me, Tyson and Piper helped bake this lunch for you, hope you like it! (it also explains why there is peanut butter and the fact that it's nicely decorated.)

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