James Madny (Solangelo)

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James Madny above ^^
Jeez, guys. Take it slow. My mailbox is filled with O.C forms...
This one is by ffarodie.
(Dude I didn't know how to start this..)
James Madny's P.O.V
"So this is the arena, where we train for battle." My guide, Nico Di Angelo said. And speaking of Di Angelo, he's like this really hot emo kid who is like, the Son of Hades. Yeah, he's Italian and has really dark hair and eyes. He's gay, but he's so hot. I'm bi, so it really doesn't matter. Currently, I was following him around Camp Half-Blood, a camp for Greek demigods. I'm a Son of Aphrodite.

"Hello? James? You okay? Do I need to take you to the infirmary?" Nico asked me. Aww, how sweet! He cares for me! See, we're meant to be together! (He only asked that because he wanted to see Will, okay?)

"Yeah, I'm alright. Hey, how about we go to the beach tonight?" I asked Nico.

"Sorry, I can't. I've got plans. Why would you even?" Nico asked. He looked disgusted. I laughed.

"Come tonight." I said, lacing my words with charmspeak as heavily as I could. He hesitated, before his eyes glazed over and he nodded. I smirked. A win for me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a blonde Apollo kid standing in front of the infirmary glaring at me. Jeez, what's his problem?
------------(I don't know whAt You WaNt)

Will Solace's P.O.V
I was standing in front of the infirmary, looking out for any potential injuries. I saw Nico guiding the new camper James to the arena. James stopped and stared at Nico for awhile. Anger bubbled inside of me. Nico looked annoyed and Asked him something. Then James replied. I was fairly good at lip-reading, and it went something like this:

Nico: Hello? You alright? Need to bring you to the infirmary?

James: Nah, I'm good. You wanna hang out at the beach tonight?

Nico: Ive got things to do. Why even?

James: COME.
Normally, Nico would have resisted charmspeak, but this time it was different. He hesitated for awhile, the nodded. I know the affects of charmspeak when I see one. Their eyes would glaze over before accepting. It's a sign that really strong charmspeak was used. What? I'm a doctor, okay?

James Madny's P.O.V

I dressed up in my cabin that night. I was so excited. As I put on a bow tie, Piper came up to me.

"Going out tonight?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm excited."

"With who?"

"Y'know, Nico Di Angelo, Son of Hades." About the whole cabin gasped.

"How...how did you even convince him.. That's impossible! He's really stubborn!" Piper stuttered.

"Charmspeak." Piper gasped. Then the whole cabin erupted in shrieks of 'NO! SOLANGELO!' And 'HOW COULD YOU?!'

"Alrighty, I'm gonna go, so goodbye!" I shouted as I exited the cabin and walked to the beach. I saw Nico sitting there, eyes still glazed. Great. I smirked and walked over to him.

"'Sup, Di Angelo." Nico looked up, then down again.

"So, are you gonna kiss me? Or what?" I charmspeaked again. However, I was unaware of the blonde haired boy and a whole cabin of Aphrodite children hiding in the bushes.

As Nico leaned in, I did too I closed my eyes and pressed my lips against Nico's face. Instead of feeling the warmth of his lips, I felt a cold, hard... Thing pressing on my face. I opened my eyes to see a skeleton kissing me, and Nico was standing right behind me, with an arm around his waist by that blonde Apollo kid from before.

"Hey! How dare you steal my boyfriend from me!" I shouted, brandishing my dagger. That kid smirked.

"Well you did steal MY Boyfriend."

"NICO! Come to me!" He surged forward, but stopped abruptly.

"Y'know, you shouldn't be a thief, that's for the Hermes cabin." Nico said, taking off the contacts from his eyes.

"How dare you!" I lunged, but a few pairs of hands stopped me. I turned around, and saw my half-siblings holding me back.

"What?! Betrayal! There's no way! Get him!" I shouted.

"If there's a Will, there's a way." Will smirked.

"Okay, James, that's enough for one night. Let's go back." Piper said, and they dragged me back to the cabin.
And that's how I met Solangelo.
793 Words! Okay, I don't know what you wanted but backstory:
After Nico got charmspeaked, Will went to break the spell and devised a plan with the Aphrodite cabin. They got Nico to put contacts in this eyes and told him to act like he was still charmspeaked. Then he would summon a skeleton for James to kiss.

Hope you like it!

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