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Third person POV

The clouds grew darker and darker. Little droplets of water began growing larger and falling frequently. Soon, the sound of thunder rolled through the area as another lightning bolt split the sky.

The black hood was pulled over his saturated form. Killua stood deathly still on top of a tall building in the rain using it as an opportunity to disguise himself from his target. His Sapphire eyes trained down bellow observing the slightest movement his target made.

While he was busy keeping watch of his next victim, the sound of children playing around caught his attention.

"Hey over here!"

"Pass it to me!"


The eight years old Killua was notably immersed in the game the children were playing.

It looks fun.

However, reality strikes him as fast as the lightning. Killua knows it was futile to keep his attention on something he could never have.

And so he closed his eyes.

But then, a sudden chilling voice breaks his train of thoughts.

"What are you thinking of?"

Killua's eyes shot open. He slowly turned his body facing the newcomer or also known as his brother, Illumi.

"How long have you been there?"

"Oh, you know me. I've always been here... I'm always watching you." Illumi's cat-like eyes bore down to his little brother.

"Especially when you're out on an important mission, my adorable little brother." He continued.

"I can manage it on my own just fine."

"I can't leave you alone. As your big brother, it's my duty to mold you into the perfect assassin." Young Killua rolled his eyes.

Oh, how many times did he hear him said that.

Just then, the sight of a lovely married couple sauntering along the street sharing a red umbrella caught both of the elite assassins' attention.

"There they are."

"Remember, although they look harmless, they're not someone you can take lightly on," Illumi reminded as he stood a few feet behind his little brother.

"Expose your bloodlust only at the moment you kill. Until then, imagine yourself as an insignificant object."


"Are you scared?"

"Not really."

"That's what I expect from a fellow Zoldyck." Illumi smiled.

Killua maintained a cool detachment to his targets. He preferred to think of them as nothing more than a walking meat bags waiting to be butchered. He thought of them as meeting their destiny and he was merely a conduit. After all, everyone has to die sometime, and he considered it a good way to go. No illness, no drawn-out goodbyes.

With that thought in mind, Killua used his knife-like claws to rip their hearts out starting with the lady before proceeding to the man.

In amidst of the splattering rain mixed with blood, something he didn't expect transpired.

While his small hand was still in the man's chest, his hand was suddenly gripped by a firm hold. Tilting his head, he realized it was the man who had his hand.


Killua tried to retract his hand from the man's bloodied chest but the strong grip restrained him from doing so.

Never once in his mission had something like this happened, and this had caused the young boy to get anxious. But when the grip around his wrist slowly loosened, Killua couldn't help but watch the man's face.

Within the darkness of the night and the chilling coldness of the rain, Killua's eyes widened.

He saw it.

The flashes of lightning had made it clear for him to see the look on the man's face.

He was smiling...?

Killua couldn't exactly comprehend the man's expression. It was as if he was thanking him but could not say it in words but it was clear in his eyes that it was filled with sorrow but there was never a glimpse of regret.

He was baffled.

Once Killua had managed to retract his hand from the man's chest, he took a few step back and accidentally stepped on something.

It was a small velvet box.

The box must've fallen when he slaughtered the woman. But what really caught his eyes were a beautiful sakura necklace placed neatly in the box.

Even if the necklace was eye-catching, Killua still thought it was a useless piece of garbage belonged to his victim.

With that, Killua walked way after having one last look at the bloodied mess in front of him.

Two married couples, covered in their own pool of blood...dead.

They were just happy and oblivious one second and gone the next.

Simple. Convenient. Painless.

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