Chapter 5

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Third person POV

Rin stared out at the morning sky. Mellow blues and pinks blurred together in a silver mist to create another gorgeous scene. Even if the world was drowning in grief and hardship, the sky had always remained beautiful. That was the one thing that had kept Rin's hopes up-if the sky remained vivid and powerful, then so could she.

With that, she turned around from the view to take in another fresh air.

Rin and Killua never return to the town instead, the two of them had spent the night sleeping under the cherry blossom tree. It wasn't the first time the two of them had ended up sleeping out in the open like this. Back in the Fourth Phase of the Hunter Exam, they also had spent the night together, so it doesn't really bother Rin. After all, she trusts Killua not to do anything funny even though she regards him as a pervert.

While Rin was busy stretching her sore muscles, her eyes caught something at the top of a rocky hill nearby. It was a silhouette of a man standing. However, what bothers her the most is that she recognized the build of that man. It was awfully familiar that she couldn't believe her eyes at first.

'Who is that?'

Rin peered to look at the man. But when she was close enough to get a good view, the man disappeared in a flash. However, Rin was able to catch a glimpse of his smirk before vanishing away.

That was enough to drain the colors of her face as her lips slowly parted.

It was just another man's smiling. Rin tried to reassure herself, but she knew that it was more than that. How can she ever forget that smile? The smile that she was accustomed to while growing up.

'That smile... It can't be--!'

Before Rin could finish her thoughts, something was speeding up towards her. More like... a fist aimed at her face!


Rin managed to dodge the attack at the last second before rolling down the ground. When she was able to get herself up, Rin squints her eyes to see the dark silhouette behind the cloud of dust.

One thing for certain, it was not the man she saw earlier instead--




"Killua wake up!" I shook his sleeping body violently that I wasn't even afraid if I make his brain bouncing around. "WAKE UP DAMN IT!!!"

Killua shot his eyes opened and jolt his body from the tree branch, snapping his face towards me.

"Wha-- What's wrong?! What happened?!"

Before I could even answer his question, the sound of the trees being smashed to the ground can be heard and amidst that mass of destruction came Uvo who was roaring his heart out as if he was an overgrown King Kong--Oh wait, he really is an overgrown KING KONG!

"That happened!"

Killua's eyes were wide enough that I was afraid they might just pop out of their sockets.

"Uvogin?! But how--?"

"Think later. Run now!"

Just when we were about to make a run for it, the red aura surrounding Uvo suddenly was set ablaze especially around his right fist. From that moment, I knew he was going to launch a deadly attack.

"Big Bang..."



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