Chapter 3

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Killua POV

Gon noticed our constant stare when his eyes diverted to our direction. Having his usual cheerful smile on his face, he waved at us.

"Oh, Rin! Killua!"

"How'd it go?" He ran towards us stopping just a few steps from us.

"What about you?" I asked.

"I couldn't find it." He scratched the back of his head with a sheepish smile.

"I see... So the three of us didn't have any luck today, huh?" Rin placed her hands on her waist.

She's definitely disappointed by that fact, I know I am, but who could blame us? Totoria district is one hell of a wide area. Heck, it's as wide as the Amazon except this was a peaceful version filled with mountains and river at every angle. Searching for each one of them even by air would need a couple of days.

Just then, the blonde boy Gon was with before walked in on us. Noticing the new presence beside him, Gon smiled.

"Oh, let me introduce him. This is Retz a puppeteer. We met earlier today and became friends!" Gon introduced him.

 We met earlier today and became friends!" Gon introduced him

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"Nice to meet you." The boy offered a handshake which Rin gladly took.

"Well, if you're Gon's friend, then, you're mine too. The name's Rin." She smiled.

"I'm Retz," The boy returned her smile.

He seemed nice. But why is it that I get this queasy feeling in my gut. Looking at him from head to toe, I can conclude that he looked harmless at the least but somehow that was not enough to disregard him as a threat. Casper looked like an angel, and we can see what happened at the end of the day. Head rolling down the floor... dead, by my hands. And I wouldn't want it any other way.

In any case, I'm certain he's hiding something. Well, it's a good thing I don't trust people so easily.

I only stared at the hand Retz offered me not having the slightest interest in returning his handshake

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I only stared at the hand Retz offered me not having the slightest interest in returning his handshake. Closing my eyes, I shoved my hands in my pockets and the boy only gave me a questioning look.

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