Chapter 1

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Third person POV

Killua woke up from a restless sleep catching a glimpse at the glowing and radiant sun peaking above the horizon out of the window.

'It's just a dream...'

Relief washed over his face as he relaxed his muscle. That's when he caught sight of an angel sleeping ever so peacefully. His sapphire orbs were fixated on the black haired girl who had her head leaning against the window.

Black strands cascaded down her back like molten onyx. Around her face, it was cut a little shorter, feathered to accentuate her perfect elfin features.

Killua would never get tired of this pleasant sight. It reminded him that everything was alright. That she was still there with him. Somehow, her mere presence soothes him but it could never erase the guilt that was growing inside of him.

The guilt sat not on his chest but inside his brain. What he had done he could not undo. He could try to make amends in subtle ways, but confessing was out of the question, even if it kills him.

Killua had hope that one day he would feel removed from that one particular sin he committed, washed clean of it, but the guilt was a stain on him, an ugly scar.

Killua flinched at the thought. His eyes flickered with doubt.

The words his brother drilled into him was ringing in his head but he knew it wasn't true. With his gritted teeth, Killua clenched his fist.

'Even if my blood begged me to, I will never betray my friends...'

The determination slowly flaring in his eyes as he trailed at the sight of Rin's sleeping figure.

'I will never betray you... Rin.'


Soon, the vibrant summer rays have begun to warm the day. Even when hours had passed, Killua never averted his eyes from the girl sitting opposite of him. It's like there was a magnetic force attracting his blue eyes to the girl in front of him.

Little did he know, he wasn't exactly alone with the girl. Having his head a couple of inch beside Killua, Gon kept on facing back and forth between Rin and Killua.

"Hmm... Killua, is there something on her face?" Gon blurted out startling the white-haired boy.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Killua retorted.

"You were staring at her face for a while now, don't you realize it?" Gon pointed out with the innocent look on his face causing Killua's lip to twitch.

"No, I wasn't!"

"Sound suspicious, I think you're hiding something~," Gon said with a mischievous look on his face.

"And what would that be!?" Killua yelled in defense.

As if a bulb had lightened up, Gon pounded his fist together.

"...don't tell me you like Rin?"

As if his statement was a nuclear bomb, Killua was frozen in dead silence. Heat creeping on his face as he lashed out.

"Oi! What's is wrong with you?! I'd never stare at her! And I am certainly not in love with--"

Just when he was about to finish his sentence, a groggy voice could be heard followed by a menacing aura. "Oi, would you guys pipe down a little! Someone's sleepin here!"

"Rin you're awake?" Gon questioned.

"No thanks to you." With a frown on her face, Rin rubbed her eyes.

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