Chapter 14

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Third Person POV

Clap. Clap. Clap.

"Tragedy has a taste as sweet as honey. Grief is a testament of life. Only my puppets could make that blissful experience possible. Be grateful." Omokage stood above the pedestal with an eerie smile plastered across his face.

"You're not getting away now! Get down here now!" Leorio exclaimed pointing his index finger at the grey-haired maniac.

Omokage paid no heed to his demand and continued. "Do you want to know why I joined the Spiders? I wanted puppets of its members. I left once I was done creating the ones I desired."

Just as he finished his last sentence, an explosion occurred covering the whole vicinity with its white smoke allowing Omokage to disappear within the shadows as his laughter echoed throughout the entire mansion.



Blood drained from their faces as their eyes and mouths were frozen wide open. The presence of the silhouettes behind the curtain of smoke was able to knock them down with a feather.

"The Phantom Troupe..." Kurapika gritted his teeth at the loathsome sight.

"My favourite six. As well as..." As if on cue, Chrollo's puppet emerged with his eyes were nothing but a pair of empty black holes. "Chrollo!"

"You stand absolutely no chance against them!" Omokage lifted his hand pointing towards the four boys. Like a puppet following its master's order, the six members of Phantom Troupe dashed towards them.

"Crap!" Killua evaded the continuos strikes from his opponent and the same can be said for Gon, Kurapika and Leorio.

Having to handle Nobunaga, it took all of Gon's reflexes to avoid his Shodachi from giving him a free hair cut.

However, that was the least of their concern when Chrollo finally opened his book summoning a pair of gigantic fish that were deemed to be made entirely of bones and unfortunately for them, it feeds on human flesh.

"Indoor fish."

With bones as its armor plating, the fish made its way towards Gon and Killua, circling them now and then before heading straight for the kill.

"Wh-Whoah!" Killua almost tumbled but managed to balance himself before the skeleton-like fish could graze its body against him.

Sharing the same fate as Killua, Gon managed to duck his head from the incoming 'Indoor Fish'. In the end, the two of them were back to back against each other as they watched the skeletal fishes twirled their bodies in the air before diving back towards them.



Both of them had their eyes wide opened when something unforeseen befell.


The massive wooden door came flying out of nowhere and knocked the fishes to the other side, crashing the wall in the process.

"What the--" Gon and Killua were surprised by the blast before it finally hit them.

'This feeling...!'

The pressure, it was almost as if the temperature in the room had dropped to zero. The intensity of this Nen was almost capable of dropping them to their knees. This familiar prickling feeling on their skin could only indicate one thing--

Jerking their heads towards the door, their eyes grew wider.



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