The Beggining..

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"Come on Eva Unnie. It's gonna be so much fun!" I heard Crystal laughing excited as she was rushing ahead to an abandoned house.

I was following her softly keeping my hands in fists as my arms were wrapped around my chest. This is such a bad idea. I can't believe I really agreed to this stupidity. My 149 IQ lowered more then a hundred when I said 'Yes' to this. I shook my head letting a heavy sigh to escape my lips looking ahead as she was getting further from me. I had such a bad feeling about this and the house wasn't actually helping my point of view. As the structure of the house was looking, it could fall any damn minute. As a breeze hit my body, it pushed my short red hair backwards behind my shoulders making me stop dead track. It felt like it went straight through my clothes and cracked in my skin right to the bone. That kind of breeze that would scare the crap out of you. It did for me.

" Crystal! Please, can't we just go home? I don't feel good about this  ' fun plan' of yours."  I screamed after her fustrated.

I don't want to make another step. I surely won't do another one. I can't say I'm a coward but in a porcent of 100% chances, this house and this whole situation is 99,9% wrong. It was nothing right in what she wanted to do. In what she was capable of doing. And as if the weather was helping but it was almost midnight and damn, it was pitch black around me. I could hardly see Crystal's shaped ahead. I could see her yellow jacket anywhere.

" Come on Unnie! Don't be such a little kitty. I ever did something wrong to get us in trouble?!" She asked excited feeling her stopping from her fast steps to wait for me.

" Give me a month, I will give you a list!" I groaned rolling my eyes to her.

Why I had to be the smartest one between us two? Why I always had to be the good girl that runs for her baby sister so she wouldn't get in trouble? Sometimes I really blame my mother for giving me such a stubborn sister. Life surely isn't boring with her but every time she gets this ' creative ' we always get in trouble in a way of another.

" Give me a break. I wanna live a dangerous life! It's more exciting then staying with my head in the books like you and see nothing that is really important right outside the house." She replied with a sarcastic tone that made me frown slightly. 

"Well then, live it without me." I raised my voice seeing her shadow climbing the rusty stairs of the house.

As the windows were broken, little pieces of dirty curtain we're dancing tot he strong power of the wind. The door was opened down by force and you could see the light of the moon in the living room. It's worse then looking at ' My Bloody Valentine '. And after that I couldn't sleep for a year. Still having nightmares after that crap.

" What did you say?"

"I'm going home Crystal. Take care."

 As I turned around, I took a deep breath following the same steps I took to get there in the first place. After a few moments, I heard Crystal screaming. I couldn't actually tell how horrified that made me feel or how my heart skipped multiple beats like a thunder but that made me turn around in a heart beat rushing to get to her. As I was trying to get to her as quick as possible, I heard a crack and a sound like a body felt through a hole.

" Crystal!" I heard my own scream, from the top of the lungs, making an echo around the house.

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