It depends on what you hope to hear..

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The boys arrived at the house. THe air was thick at the moment when RM's finger pressed the button. Being in guard having their guns in head of them, they entered the layer silently and quietly. The place seemed empty with no sign of anyone being around. 

"You sure the signal shows they are here?" V asked holding the gun in front og him as one was resting under his wrist with a flash light searching the area with his gaze.

"The signal wasn't wrong."

Kookie's voice took them all by surprise. Their guns turned in the direction of the voice as they found Jungkook with his hands up having a big grin cross her face.

"You're alive!" Jin sighed in relief. 

"And J-Hope?"

"His fine RM. He was shot but he received treatment in time."

All sighed in relief letting their guns to slowly fall down. Jimin although, was still lost. He allowed his gaze to look around the room hoping to see her. But he only saw Hobi resting on the table nearby still being asleep. Hearing a heavy sigh from him, Jungkook frowned turning to V. He just answered Eva's name in a whisper.

"I will go get everything ready for the big hit." Jimin finally said turning around to make his way towards the exit.

"Then shall I tell her you're not dead?"

At those words, Jimin's eyes widen as he stopped dead track feeling his heart rushing in his chest. The words were crossing his head like an endless thunder. Seh's not..dead? His head alcked as it's slowly turned towards the youngest one.

"Eva is .. alive?" His cracked voice filled the silence that haunted the room.

"Of course. You really think I would let her die?" I know how much you care about her." Jungkook answered in amusing tone showing him the room he saw her entering . "maybe you can treat her hands as well. She didn't got out from there since she treated Hobi."

Jimin didn't even think twice before he rushed towards the door. He didn't knew if it was alright or not but he had to see her so he could realize that he wasn't dreaming and that she was actually alive. He grabbed the door's knock and tried to open it gently and without a sound. The room was field with darkness and deadly silence. Letting his eyes scanning the area as he let the lights chase away the darkness away so his gaze could see her.

"Eva.." He muttered seeing her body resting on a chair.

She was resting her back against the chair. As he stopped silently towards her, he sighed in relief seeing her chest rising in normal condition. She was alive and breathing but he didn't knew how to get her awake without scaring her. But when he got in front of her, his smile faded gently. Her hands were cut and covered in blood, probably from Hobi combined. On her forehead was a wound and her cheeks were traces of dried tears which made Jimin's heart ache in pain. It was heartbreaking for him.

"Jimin.." She whispered gently in her sleep.

He softly got on his knees in front of her studying her features gently as he let his hands trace her cheek line softly. Those hours of thinking she was dead felt like hell. An endless pain. He thought he won't be able to smile again but he was so glad he was wrong. He never was that happy to find out that he was wrong.


I didn't realize when I felt asleep. Everything that happened today was too much for me. I didn't knew anything about Jimin. "Eva.." his voice ached in my thoughts. His beautiful raspy voice. Oh God, I was so worried about him. I surely passed out for a couple of hours and I was sure Jungkook would had told me if he knew anything. We both care about Jimin. But where is he? I couldn't imagine him being hurt because I saw what was he capable of but still, he was living a dangerous life. All of a sudden, a gentle touch traveled my cheeks. It felt warm and thoughtful. I frowned slightly before I started to open my eyes. It was too bright for my eyes to taked so fast so I frowned covering my eyes with the back of my hand. 

"Any news Jungkook?" I asked as I saw a man figure in front of me.

"It depends on what you hope to hear."

Hearing his weak tone made my heart skip a beat as my eyes widen as they felt on his expression. I couldn't even breath for a moment as my hands started to shake briefly studying him from head to toe. Besides of being completly soaked up, he looked unharmed .

"J-Jimin.." I rambled as I felt my feet to push me up from the chair as I didn't thought about it before my hands threw themselves around his neck getting him in a sweet tight embrace. He was alive! Not long after that, Jimin's arms got around my wast pulling me closer breaking the distance between us. I felt his heart beating against his chest as I felt a big rock falling off my shoulders as I sighed heavily feeling how my lower lip was still shaking.

"I told you I will see you soon Nerd." He spoke in a low raspy tone.

I knew he was smiling as he softly strocked my hair. I was still sticked tightly against him. I was afraid if I let him go, he will vanish and everything would be just a dream. 

"Are you alright?"

My tone was weak as I spoke between silent sniffs. I was still in shock but knowing that he is alright. I was worried to ask what actually happen at that frug transaction. I knew hre was lying to me the moment he walked out the door but I also knew I couldn't stop him.

"I am more worried about you." He admitted as he softly pulled away so he could study my face again.

"I- I'm fine.. Just a bit shocked up but.."

"You can't tell me that this.." He responded raising one of my hands to see the big cut on my palms."  .. is alright. It's is not alright. What happened?"

I hesistated to say. I didn't knew how he will react about how the action went and how it finished. But I also couldn't lie to him. I knew he did but he also did it to protect me. As I softly started to tell him what happened, he started to take care of my wounds as he just nodded without asking a single thing. I was still shocked he was handling everything so calm but I could never know that after I am done, what he will say. Although it was over and I knew I was safe, I could fell my heart pouting is my chest as my hands were still slightly shaking. It was the first time I was actually to a close call to a certain death sentence that I slipped hardly wiht a few bruises.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't there to protect you." Jimin whispered gently with a heavy sigh.

"Jimin, it's.."

"Stop saying alrigh Eva."

His dark tone had took me by surprise as I raised my gaze upon him. Even thought it was like a small voice it still surprised me. I had never seen him so serious before. His jaw tighted as he finally finished taking care of me putting everything back in the first aid box.

"You were worried for me?" I stuttered horsely towards him.

I knew the answer but for some reason, I wanted him to say it. To let it out with every thought he had that moment. At my words, he raised his eyes for me to study. They were so hard to read, i couldn't get any emotion from them before he started speaking.

"Worried?" He swallowed heavily as he whimpered in fustration."I was terrified Eva. I thought you were dead!" As he started to express his feelings there were more easy to read the emotions he was facing as his nose scrunching." I was lost. I couldn't focus thinking you were ahrmed because of me and that I couldn't save you!"

"But Jimin, I.."

"You can't see how much I care about you Eva!" His terrified bewilderement gaze felt upon me. " I know I dragged you into this but it wasn't my intention or choice! I knew BDip will come after you after you talked him back, that's why I kept looking after you staying in the shadows, protecting you."

I felt speechless at his words. I did always blame him for getting me into this, for being in that bloody basement. But I was too blind to see everything he did for me. If I have a flash back, he was protecting me all along. The chasing, the trap and this. My eyes squirting shut, I bitten my lower lip as I leaned my head. With a IQ this high I couldn't see his real intentions. Feeling his soft hands cupping my cheeks, I widen my eyes as they locked with his. His face was only inches away from me and I was slowly starting to get lost into them and I couldn't bare it so I leaned in, and finally, I kissed him. And I kissed him hard.

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