A promise or a lie?

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Author P.O.V

Jimin looked at the area around him before he knocked two times with his fists and one with his leg into an abandoned deposit building door. The cold the night was covered in a silence more deadly than ever. After a few moments of waiting, the metal door open allowing him to enter in darkness making his escape the cold breeze.

" Were you followed? " A heavy thunder voice asked from the middle of the deposit. Only a weak little light was showing a small circus in the middle of the room. Everything besides that was pitch black, like death.

"Am I ever? " He replied getting a hand to his hair as he approached the circle.

All the important people were there. The big boss and his " toy " band. Letting of frown to change his peaceful expression he left his head back arriving near Jungkook.

" No because you never make a mistake. You're like a ghost. Nobody sees you and nobody knows when they going to be hit by you. Now, tell me. Since when you miss the target you have and hit a man of your own?" The heavy voice spoke gently as the boss turned his whole body towards him. He seemed upset and that more then sure, it meant trouble.

" I didn't. That was my plan from the beginning." He admitted casually resting his hands in his pockets jackets. He heard his boss laughed with pleasure getting his head back raising his hands towards the ceiling. It felt like they were looking a joker. He was a madman. Before he knew it, a aiming gun was resting inches away from his forehead. His boss wasn't laughing anymore as he was pointing the metal towards him.

" Give me a reason not to pull the trigger and dance around your dead body."

Jungkook and the rest of the gang tensioned under the BDip's words resting their gaze on Jimin. You could read the worry and the terrified emotions that cover their eyes. But besides all that, Jimin didn't even move a muscle. Even thought he was a step away from his death, he didn't seem too terrified like the rest of them. He didn't even blink. Despise the situation, a smile grew on his face as he stepped ahead making the cold metal touch his forehead skin. She seemed deadly serious about it.

" Because I can make her fall in love with me. Like I always do. I knocked out that man just to earn her trust. When I will do that, you will have her without struggling. It's a piece of cake." His voice wasn't even trembling in his tone was slightly calm. He knew what he was going and he needed to do it. BDip locked his gaze with him for a few seconds before smoking letting his hand for around his body.

" I knew you had a plan." He said reaching towards him hitting his back brutally. It made the orange hair to lean forward with a frown. They were pretty painful for a slim man. "But make it quick. I want to torture her as soon as possible."

" Sure boss." He said simply watching him with the corner of his eyes seeing his boss leaving the building.

After the Bodyguard locked the door, their shoulders relaxed letting a heavy deep sigh escape their lips. It felt worse than a horror movie. This was real. As J-Hope went to check if they were watched, Suga cross the distance between him and the orange hair one and when he was inches away, he slapped the back of Jimin's head causing his entire body to take a few stumbling steps ahead. Even if he is hyung was slimmer , he can really make you feel pain.

" Hey Hyung!" He hissed as his lips curled up in anger.

" You either lost your f****** mind on your way here or you started to love death and you want a one f****** ticket to Hell."

As Jimin rubbed the area he got smacked, Jin softly walked behind him to examine.

" Besides a bruise, you would be just fine. " He replied with a calm voice and a nod locking his hands behind him. " But in this situation you deserve more than this."

" I did nothing wrong." He replied with the slide squeak raising his shoulder towards Jin.

" It wasn't wrong. It was deadly and it seems your 160 IQ couldn't understand the situation that you put yourself into." Jungkook shook his head as his arms crossed across him.

" Don't tell me how to do my job kid."

" This was way too far. Even for you brother." V added as this disappointment was written all over his expression.

" It's all clear." J-Hope spoke loudly rushing gently towards them letting his gaze on Gmail until his stopped near the rest of the crew. " What the hell were you thinking?!"

Everyone was letting their anger out on him. They were a team, our family and seeing that scene from a horror movie made them almost have a heart attack. They shouldn't let their anger clouding their judgement but as they care for Jimin's safety, they couldn't control their emotions.

" That's enough. You are all over reacting. I made him believe, right? " He asked watching it and every one of them.

" I will not risk a member of my team to prove the fact that he can believe easily and that he is a freaking mad man." RM spoke with the lower tone in a serious gaze travelling towards Jimin.

" I will have that girl." He stated with a shock of his head as his arms crossed across him relaxing his shoulders as he cocked his head. The stubbornness that he was showing towards that discussion was making sugar even angrier.

" Why is she so bloody important?" He growled tapping his feet against the ground slightly angry.

" Because she is just like me."

That made all the members shut their mouths getting in a deadly silence covering the building. He knew that the path that he is about to go is dangerous one but he is willing to take it. That night he couldn't sleep, he was just staring at his apartments evening for a few hours now. Resting the back of his head with his palms, he could hear only his breath. It was natural for him to do so. It wouldn't end well but he can't stay aside on this one. It's not in his blood or in his judgement to let his boss do this anymore. He sighed heavily getting on the edge of the bed getting his hands towards his messy orange hair. It was quite, as always in his place. From time to time he started to feel lonely. After a while of studying the objects and the walls around his room, he eventually got up walking towards the big windows set letting his gaze to rest on the lights of the city. Resting his hand on the window counter he looked... Lost. He felt locked in the suffering, the darkness and the lies. He felt suffocated by all the crimes, the blood, the screams, the pain and agony that he was seeing. But he was born for this. That's his life. He's code. A blessing and also a curse.

" Shit..." He whispered with a raspy voice and a shock of his head.

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