The Mafia

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I shut my eyes hard when I heard that voice. If that Jimin guys looked like trouble, when the seven men stepped in front of us, I found out only him was too good to be true. When I wanted to believe everything was safe and sound, I realised it wasn't. As the seven shadow showed from the road I felt shivers down on my spine. Their footsteps were so silent I could believe they are ghosts. Only my imagination. Although, I knew creatures like them weren't real, that fear, for a moment, made me believe. Once they got close to me so I could see them properly, I realized who were we dealing with. They were a Gangster gang. I started to think it was better to let that guy in the house alone from the first time. it wouldn't get us in trouble now.

"Jimin, what happened to you? Are you alright?" One of them asked with a worried tone as he stepped closer.

I couldn't actually see his features but I could manage to focuse to see his eyes. I could see the worry and the anger in them. 

"No, I'm fine . I had help."

It was all he said and somehow, he looked for a moment as a different person. That calm and the amused voice were literally gone. Even me that I knew absolutely nothing about him, I felt him changing in front of them. What was aout this group that make him change? Or who? My thoughts were ruined when a flashlight made things mroe clear for me. I put my hand in front of the light so it won't blind my vision. Those poeple were differen from me and my sister. Even the air around them was tight.

"Jimin, you had some fun?"

Another one stepped ahead watching me and Crystal from head to toe with a grin. When he got in front of me, I could see more clearly. His black hair was short with lots of gel, just like he stick his fingers in the socket. What caught my attention was his cheek tattoo. He had a little pirate ship with the canvas up.

"You don't look that bad." His voice was so low like he smokes 200 cigarettes a day.

He looked at my sister as he spoke as he extended his hand to touch her but before he could reach her cheek, I stepped in front of her.

" I would appreciate if you would step away from my sister." I spoke calmly not letting my eyes off him.

He looked surprised that I had the power to stand against his will.

" Now guys. We found ourselves a beast." He said amused stepping closer to me." How about we get her to respect?"

He grabbed my wrist with power and pulled me way closer so my body could touch his. I saw how Jimin's hand rested fast on the man's trying to stop him from doing anything reckless.

"Boss, don't..."

" No, let him. I would love to see if he dares. I would also love how he explains to the police why he touches my wrist."

Everyone looked amazing having a strange expression on their faces. Like they don't believe my words and I am never lying.

"You're bluffing." He groaned laughing.

" While I got Jimin out of the basement, I called the police because I didn't trust him. Now they're coming this way."

 had a flashback remembering the exact moment. When we got out of the basement, I stood to be the last in line so Crystal could helpJimin out. That was my chance. I got my phone out and called the station giving them the address without saying anything more then that. Before Jimin could turn to look at me, I was using the light of the phone to look where I was stepping. I knew it would take him 20 seconds to look at me so I took advantage of that. Lucky, my calculation were correct. They are always correct. My memories shut down when I heard the sound of the sirens.

" And by my calculations, they would reach us in five minutes and 50 seconds so I suggest you to run." I gave a nod feeling Jimin's hand lifting the boss's grip off me.

" Boss. Four minutes and 33 seconds. Let's go!"

I frowned slightly at how exact he said the time. For a moment I started to wonder how big was his IQ? He didn't seem to have any effort of trying to calculate the right time. The boss cocked his head up in my direction feeling his anger killing me twice only by judging his eyes.

"Be aware. You just unleashed the child of the Devil upon you. It's not over girl." He whispered before his band could get a hold of him and run away before the cups could arrive.

I could feel my feet crumbling fromm the fear I didn't show that colled in five minutes more than I had in a life time. Hugging myself I gave the police all the explanations they needed so I could finally get home with my sister. It was a "Hell" of a day. I didn't exchange any words with my sister and knowing her my whole life, I figured out she was too scared to stay alone so I took her to my place. Even if I knew she was safe with me, I felt unsure that the next day will cme. Then man's voice was like a continuous thunder dance all night. From the tone of his voice, he meant it.  He will come for me. At some pointm I felt that piacked that I started seeing the walls getting closer to me trying to suffocate me. I realized form the start I was in shock and every time I could stop and get a hold of myself, it would start back again from where it begin. I can't recall the moment I felt asleep on the couch but heavy knocks at my door woke me that fast getting my legs bust me up grabbing the bat I hidden under the coffee table. I rushed to the door as silent as I could be and opened it softly putting my head front staying in guard.

"Who are you?"I whispered scanning the two men in black suits. 

"Miss Lee, relax. We are agent Gallo and Dodd from homeland security, FBI."

Great.. this will be fun..

" I already talked to the police. What can I do for you now?"

"Actually, the question is what can we do for you. We have a certain deal for you."

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