A chance?

33 6 2

Ten minutes earlier.. 


I looked at Jungkook making a demonstration of his abilities of throwing knifes in the white wall being all excited that he is hitting his target all the time. I rolled my eyes with a sigh before turning to J-Hope which was traning his quick hands in rebuilding a grun from A to Z. How fascinating it was.. That fascinating that I was completely bored.

"How long does a drug transaction last anyway?"I asked exchanging my gaze between them hoping one of them will answer my question.

I was looking at the clock every ten minutes. It wasn't normal to be that stressed about it. It had only been a hour and a half. Why should I be this worried in the first place?

"I don't know. I can be minutes or hours. Don't worry, your Daddy will be coming back soon enough."

"If you say once again that Jimin is my Daddy I swear to God I will humiliate you!"

"What can you do to possibly make me like that?" J-hope started to laugh brightly as his eyes flicked on me with a playfull smirk.

"I will beat you at your fourty-five seconds of getting that Beretta 87  ready in less then you could ever do." 

They both exchanged gazes between them before starting to laugh again at my reply. They were forgetting they were talking with a genius and how easy I can remember things. I took the gun from his hand and started to dismount it gently without paying attention to them. With my visual and photo memory I am capable to remember action like photos that I just scroll in my head. Beating his record would be easy just like stealing a candy from a little baby.

"Be ready to cry Honi because, I don't know oew if Jimin ever told you, but us as genius people can be helpful or a pain in the ass." I admitted and once I was done getting in into pieces, I immediately started to reput everything back together letting my hands dance around with the pieces.

They were still amused but by the time I was starting to do t back, their happy faces were slowly starting to fade. If his record was fourty- five seconds, i reached thirty when I loaded and turned the gun towards them. With widen eyes, they looked at the object surprised before letting their eyes on the clock. Exactly thrirty minutes. 

"You'd be a good gangster you know?"

"No thanks  but when I asked you to train me, I wanted to get to know how to defend myself, not looking at you showing off." I admitted with a slight frown and a shook of my head.

"We can't teach you in a hour. There are lots of things to do in order for you to hit your target.  It took me months to get a perfect shot with a knife."  Jungkook crossed his hands to his chest as he rolled his eyes. 

As I let my feet push me up, I approached the knife that was resting in one of the numerous wholes in the wall. The interesting thing was that the object's blade was really half stuck inside. From that distance, at his weight and power, it couldn't get that deep inside. I was slightly surprised of the strength as I started to realize why everyone was so afraid of him. Even his team members were.If throwing something like a knife was that powerful, an impact with his fist must be like having un unpleasant meeting with a wall.

"The only thing I need is to learn how to get your power." I admitted struggling trying to get the metal object out of the wall.

"I'm not a mega human if that's what you are asking me."

"I am aware they are not real." I rolled my eyes as I leaned my feet against the white wall trying to push myself back in order to pull it out but it looked damn stuck.""All I'm saying is that from where you are staying, you're hit it's 32 km/h according to your body structure. This is way above it."

"You surely matchi Jimin. You're both nerds." J-Hope started to laugh brightly with a shook of his head.

When I finally got the knife out using all of my strength to pull it out, I sighed heavily after being pushed back few steps.

"If you're making fun of me again, I swear I.."

I couldn't finish my sentecen as the door cracked open brutally. As it surprised me, a scream escaped my lips as I  unconsciously gripped the knife blade in my palms. It wasn't long before a hand traveled along my face, grabbing me by the neck as it pulled me back as my spine hit a rock gorilla chest. The grip was getting tighter and I felt like it was starting to suffocate me as a gun rested on my temple.

"Eva!" J-Hope screamed as he pushed himself forward to get to me but was stopped by one of the men.

"Let me go you freak!"

I didn't understood what was going on. How did they find me? At first, my thoughts ran towards Jimin but I didn't thought that he told BDip were I was. I was afraid that he got hurt r even died by the hand of that blood cold criminal. That was freaking me out along with this gorilla that wanted to crack my neck like ripping a barbie's doll head. Trying not to make sudden movements, I raised my eyes as I heard a painful groan up ahead. It seems that the men were just after me. They wanted to pay back the others as well. J-Hope and Jungkook were staying still as two men were throwing their fists in different parts of their body and they seemed pretty painful. Probably they won't engage into a fight because I might easily die if they do. I could feel my adrenaline rising being drawn by fear of the fact that I might not see the light in the morning but I can't stand like this. I have to do something but I didn't knew what. Letting my eyes on the boys that were full of scratched on their faces and blood in the corner of their lips, I thought I felt Hobi's eyes on me. I felt that moment, he was trying to tell me something mthing , like communicating with me through his gaze. I frowned as his eyes were exchanging between my eyes and something else. It didn't took me long enough before I realized what he was looking at. He was asking me to use the knife from my hands. I almost forgot that I had it in the first place. But I knew what I have to do and I surely ain't going to like it but I order to surive it, I have to. So, i was ready for any signal he will give me. Lucky for me, I grabbed only the low side of the blade so, i order of how I am holding itm I can stab someone. Feeling my throat frying, i saw them changing gazes between each other before looking at the man behind me.

"Let us go." Kookie warned them with a low dark tone.

"You're not my boss anymore Kid." 

Jungkook smirked as he spit some blood from his mouth as he looked over to me.

That was the signal. Taking a deep breath, I hold the blade tight in my hand before I bit the man's arm and leaned on a side as I pushed my hand back stabbing him in the leg as I let myself down. Closing my eyes, I covered my head with my hands hoping the boys won't miss or will do their job. I shut them strongly when i heard gun shots. That made me let a scream escape my lungs as I rolled on a side being kicked by one of the gorillas. Jimin, where are you? Are you alright? I didn't looked where I got pushed but the moment I thought I escaped, I felt a strong hit on my templed that made me black out. Will I be alive?..

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