Chapter 4 - Pushing

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- Tuesday, September 12th -

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- Tuesday, September 12th -

I curiously follow Finnley through the long hallways of school as soon as he left his classroom, alone and halfway during class, probably to go to the bathroom.

I know he saw me sitting outside the classroom, pretending to get some homework done, every so often sneaking a peek, wondering why the hell Finnley isn't at a university instead of a regular college.

I've seen him hanging around before, but since both Jason and Oliver go to this school I assumed he was waiting for one of them.

He disappears into a bathroom and I wait a few seconds before I go in behind him, pretending to just go to the bathroom myself in case he notices me. I swiftly get in the stall before the door closes with a soft thud, warning him he isn't alone anymore. I wait for a flushing sounds, contemplating on talking to him or just stalking him secretly.

I don't even know what I'm doing here. I had no reason to follow him. I wasn't planning on talking to him. I don't even want contact with him. But something inside me took over when he left the classroom, following him with a little obsession over how fucking hot he looks in that damned green sweater Nathan gave him over a year ago.

As soon as I hear the door closing again, I unlock the stall and move to walk out, forcefully being shoved back in by Finnley, who locks the stall behind him with a swift move, before pushing me against the wall; his arm against my chest and his face close to mine.

'You know the funny thing here?" He whispers in anger and a bit of sarcastic amusement. 'You're the one that told me to stay away, that you didn't want to see me again. Yet you're the one following me around."

'I... I just we-went to the eh... bathroom..." I stutter, staring in his eyes with a little fear. Because damn it, he seems pissed. He's angrily staring towards my lips again, licking his own in the process. He's pressing his body against mine. I swallow back a lump of nerves forming in my throat, subconsciously licking my own lips in response.

"What's wrong, Cris?" He smirks devilish. "Why are you following me?"

"I needed to go to the bathroom..."

"Yeah... right." He whispers in a deep voice, letting go of me, stepping back a bit. There isn't that much space for him to really step away and for a second I think he's going to speak up again, but then he moves to unlock the door. I stop him from doing so, pushing him against the tiled wall, kissing him because well, that's all I wanted to do ever since he licked his lips. I want to taste his lips.

He groans, before pulls me closer, kissing me back, bucking his hips forward. I grasp for air in shock. He switches roles, using my temporary state of surprise to push me back against the other wall, one hand again tugging my hair rather painfully. He kisses me heatedly, longingly, making me hard within a matter of seconds, mostly because one of his other hand, that trailed down and cupped me, squeezing it gently.

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