Chapter 26 - Surprise

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- Friday, November 3rd -

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- Friday, November 3rd -

"Oliver?" I grab his arm to stop him from walking further. He just finished one of his exams and he's pretty surprised that I'm talking to him.

"Cris?" He frowns, pulling the strap of his backpack over his shoulder. "What do you want?"

"I need your help." I smile awkwardly, ignoring glances from his classmates.

"With?" He pulls me away from the classroom and towards a cubical study room, closing the door behind us. "What's wrong?"

"I was talking with Finn this morning and we had a small fight and then he said stuff and well, I want to surprise him."

"This story doesn't make any sense at all." He keeps frowning, impatiently waiting for me to explain.

"I didn't want him to get the idea I am with him for his body, which I am not. But he kinda got the wrong idea, thought I don't like him at all..."

"Cris." Oliver groans, rolling his eyes. "Finn is really insecure and he's been used by a lot of people. His parents didn't fight to keep him with them, just let him leave because they don't like the fact he's gay. Off course he's doubtful about your intentions. Mostly because you guys haven't spoken for months after you left him on his own..."

"Can we not focus on that part? Because I love him to death, you know I do. I don't think you would've helped me last week if you didn't believe I do."

"I believe you do." He doesn't seem very happy about it, but at least he isn't telling me to fuck off. "What is it you want to do?"

"I want to surprise him at his house. I already talked to Jason and he gave me the key to the house. But I can't have Finn to go home with me right away so I'm gonna tell him that I'm busy for the night. I bet he'll go to you and ask you to hang out with him."

"And you want me to?"

"Well, no." I chuckle, still feeling awkward that I'm asking Oliver to help me. "I think he's going to be pissed when I tell him I'm hanging out with Sam tonight and he needs to vent the anger, but I need him home at six. Can you... I don't know, keep him busy until six and drop him off at home?"

"I think if you tell him you're busy for today, he'll want to go out with me tonight."

"Tell him you can't. I really need him to be home at six."

Oliver closes his eyes for a second.

"I'm not good at this." I admit. "I need your help, okay? But I need time to prepare some things before he gets home."

"I'll tell you what." He crosses his arms, leaning against the wall, staring at me with an annoyed look. "How about you tell him you're busy for now. I'll ask him to help me with some difficult shit I need to study for next week's exams and drop him off at six?"

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