Chapter 8 - Broken

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- Monday, September 18th -

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- Monday, September 18th -

"Can you drive me? I'm really freaking out, Nate. I know you're pissed and you're absolutely right..."

"I'll pick you up at school and drop you off. But you're gonna explain to me why you're required to go to the cops."

"I'll explain face to face, okay?"

"Whatever." He still sounds pissed, but at least he agreed to drive me. He hangs up and I saunter down the stairs and towards the lunchroom to buy myself something to eat. I have to wait 20 minutes for Nathan to get here, so I guess I might as well eat something in the meantime.

I wait around on my own since the rest of my class is, well, still in class. I watched the cops leave again in their official cop car and for a second I do regret not just riding with them. Because that would mean I could stay away from Nathan a little while longer. I really don't feel like listening to one of his rants about me acting irresponsibility and hurting people in the process. Sometimes I wish Nathan would be a little irresponsible himself.

But no, I had to go and live with the most responsible saint I ever met.

Not that I mind living with Nathan, because we do have a great friendship, most of the time. But I know, looking at any of my other friends, the only link I have to a guy like Nathan, the type of guy he is, is my former friendship with Finnley; before he changed from geek to... whatever he's now.

God, I wish I could get the old Finnley back.

I miss the days in which I carried his backpack full of heavy books, the days in which I watched him study while playing a game in the meantime. Days in which he would talk about stuff I never understood because he just had an obsession for understanding as much as possible about the world and the universe we're in.

Days in which we wouldn't fight.

My phone starts ringing, waking me from my stupor state, making me jump a bit. I see Nathan's name flash across the screen and scramble up, taking my backpack with me while leaving the lunchroom behind without looking around me, bumping into a guy in the door opening.

"Hey, watch it!" The guy prevents me from falling, but he sounded annoyed nonetheless.

"I'm sorry, wasn't paying attention..." I mutter, before staring at him. It's just a matter of a second but for that single second I think I ran straight into the arms of Ahmed. But then I notice this guy is way smaller, his hair is lighter and his skin a bit darker. His build is completely different and well, it's not Ahmed and my mind played a trick with me there.

So, I'm already becoming paranoid?

I hurry towards the car and get in with a deep sigh, slumping down in my seat, fastening my seatbelt.

"What's going on?"

"Jeff and Ahmed are presumably in the country." I tell him without sugar-coating it. It is what it is, right?

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