Chapter 9 - Sam's best friend

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- Thursday, September 21st -

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- Thursday, September 21st -


I'm still not happy with this (14:34)

Don't you have practice or something? (14:34)

I read Finnley's texts during a meeting with the project group, rolling my eyes because he keeps telling me he doesn't want me to visit, but apparently his aunt has been asking him about it and is determined for me to come and visit.


Yeah, but practice is at eight (14:35)

I thought maybe you could come and watch (14:36)

Nathan is coming too, because I need someone for the panic button (14:35)

"So, Cris and I will do this presentation, but next time it'll be Vera and Lennard, because Paul and Nikki did it last week."

"But I can't do it." Vera complains. "I really can't. I had to before and I just froze."

"Well, suck it up because you'll have to eventually," I groan in annoyance. "It's part of what they expect from us during college, Vera."

"Give her a break, if she really has trouble giving presentation's, forcing her won't help." Lennard sends both me and Sam a look of frustration.

New development, while Lennard tried to get in our little group with Paul in the first week, hanging out by our side, he now decided to become friends with Vera, protecting her from our snappy comments. It's cringe-worthy, because he's been drooling all over her.

"No, Cris is right." Vera mutters. "I know I have to, but I don't know how..." She looks back and forth between Sam and me. "Can't you do it with me?" She is looking directly towards me. "You know... I think I would feel better if someone as confident as you by my side."

Sam smirks, Lennard sends me another annoyed look and I frown towards Vera.

"You think giving a presentation with me would help you?"

"Yeah, well... just not with Lennard. If I freeze, I need someone to take over and I don't think Lennard will..." She sends him an insecure look. "I'm sorry Len, I just think it would be better if Cris would be there to catch me if I fall."

"He's not even that confident." Lennard grumbles. "And I don't like to pair up with Sam."

"Why not? Because you're afraid I'm gonna steal your thunder?" Sam grins slyly, I laugh and Paul snorts in response. Nikki seems amused.

"You can't steal some person's thunder if he hasn't got any to begin with." She casually throws in a remark, drawing little doodles on a paper. Paul and I laugh out louder, Sam grins and Lennard's face flushes. Vera is still looking at me, but now with a small smile on her face.

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