The battle of the Food

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*disclaimer: never play the knife hand game.*

As we all know, drama can spread fast. Not just in horror high school, but in any school. However, no drama becomes as intense as Horror high.

Two girls had an argument, and soon everyone had picked a side; The right side of the cafeteria, or the left side. One person threw a meatball at someone on the other side, and then everything erupted in chaos.

People picked up their lunch trays as shields as they quickly threw some food at others. Pudding cups splattered pudding on the walls, water from water bottles spilled mid-air, milk puddles covered the floor, and spaghetti sauce was mixed with blood. When the left side hadn't attacked in a while, the right side stopped in confusion.
"Do you think they surrendered?" Andy asked.
"I don't know, they haven't raised a white napkin," Jade said.

Suddenly, a coke bottle rolled from the fort the left side had made out of tables and hit the right side's fort.
"Oh no," John said. Soda shot out from bottle.
"Diet coke and mentos, never fails," a person from the left side laughed.

Soon the war began again, and people were charging at each other with plastic sporks. Quinn grabbed the hand of one of the left side's members and raised a plastic knife above her head. It came down between the person's thumb and index finger.

"Oh, You have all your fingers, the knife goes chop, chop, chop," Quinn started singing while splaying the knife hand game. The war/food fight had caused the death of many students, and both sides weren't ready to let their friends die in vein.

"We will not stop," Jade said, "until every left side's member is dead. We wil-" the bell rang and everybody went to their next class.

The janitor took out a mop and started to clean up the food and dead bodies left behind.
"Stupid kids can't pick up their dead friends," he complained.

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