14 - just remember you will always burn as bright ☽

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Since Luke admitted to himself and Lia that he liked Michael a lot of things had changed.

First off, it wasn't that he just liked him, Luke had the biggest crush on the red-haired boy and the fondness was growing stronger and stronger.

Second, he spent every moment with Michael overthinking what Michael did or said to him. Did he said it or meant it in a 'more than friends' kind of way.

And lastly, he wanted to kiss Michael. All the time, very badly.

It was hard, especially when Michael liked hugs and cuddles. A lot.

He'd hug all of his friends but cuddles were reserved for Luke.

It was either afternoon naps or morning cuddles when Michael tried to get Luke, who was not a morning person, out of bed.

On this occasion, Ashton luckily had an afternoon class so while Michael was softly snoring Luke got the chance to observe him. He knew he was being creepy but Luke couldn't help himself. Michael was just so beautiful and soft and his lips looked oh so kissable.

Luke was never a coward but just the thought of saying anything about his feelings to Michael felt wrong. He was afraid Michael would think he took advantage of their friendship to drool over him.

So all he could do is observe.

Michael's pale skin and cherry red lips. Fire red hair and dark black eyebrow piercing. Luke could smell him and feel his breath hitting his own cheek.

The sleeping boy moved and cuddled Luke closer to him. Michael's hand was draped over Luke's shoulder and he could feel Michael's armband touching his skin.

He felt so special that Michael trusted him enough to feel comfortable around him. Luke could easily just peek and see Michael's tattoo but he didn't want to. He wanted Michael to show it to him when he'd want to.

Luke smiled at the thought of it, his brothers were each other's best friends and he had Lia but she always had her brother Liam. Now Luke had someone who called him his best friend. The best friend.

Luke closed his eyes and moved a bit closer to Michael and breathed in his scent.

He laid down his forehead on Michael's chest and fell asleep.

"You two really need to stop ambushing me," Luke said before turning around to see who entered the observatory.

The December sky was beautiful and Luke would paint it over and over again to get it right.

Ben and Jack stood up behind their youngest brother.

"It's beautiful Lu." Ben complimented while Jack couldn't resist but to dip his finger into the fresh paint.

"You said you wanted to talk to us. We came to talk."

"I've said that I'll find you two, not the other way around." Luke let down all of his painting stuff and turned around. "But since you two are already here, I need a favor."

Over his sixteen years of living, Luke did both of his brothers a lot of favors. Whenever they'd ask to do something in return Luke answered that they'll pay him back when he'll need them to. And the day has come.

Both Ben and Jack knew something big was coming so they set down.


"In a few weeks, my best friend is having an art exhibition in the city's museum. It's a very big and important event and I want to go. Now since we all know how parents and grandparents have been acting lately in regards to our safety you know they won't let me. But I have to go."

No one said anything for a few moments before the eldest Hemmings took the lead. "This best friend of yours, does he just so happen to be Michael Clifford?"

"Yes," Luke answered nonchalantly. "But that shouldn't be a problem. The problem is how will I get to the museum and back without being noticed."

"How is that not a problem? If grandma finds out you've sneaked out okay, she'll ground you or something. You're lucky she still doesn't know you've been hanging out with him. When she will, hell will raise." Jack's words were expected. There were also useless.

"It's not a problem because he's my best friend and I want to support him. Plus, imagine the hell that will go loose when I'll share all the secrets I've been keeping for you two."

"Nothing is as bad as this."

Luke raised his eyebrow. "Are you sure? How do you think mum or even better dad will feel when they'll found out you had known your soulmate for the past three years and still haven't told them."

Jack's face went three shades paler. "You wouldn't."

"Normally no. But if you'll refuse the only favor I ever asked you for, then I will."

"Hey Luke, I've got the paints you wanted-" Michael stepped into the room just as the Hemmings family was staring at each other to see who'd win. "Oh I'm sorry, I'll come back later."

"Stay. They were just leaving." Luke looked at his brothers and they got the message.

"You must be Michael," Ben said in his usual, kind voice. "I'm Ben."

Michael was just as surprised as Luke when both of his brothers introduced themselves to Michael.

"What was that?" Michael asked surprised when they'd left.

"I think I just blackmailed my brothers into helping me see your exhibition."

"Really? You have no idea how much you being there will mean to me."

Michael hugged Luke and just for a second, he felt better about the whole situation.



Muke cuddles / Luke being in love?

Luke blackmailing his brothers into helping him?

please please please show some love.

Love, Lucija ☽

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