24 - all the lights and sound ☽

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Ben's heart was pounding so hard he could feel and hear it in his ears and head.

He didn't think they'd take him with them but he was grateful to be able to go.

There were three police cars. The Clifford and Hemmings families taking most of the seats.

They were following Luke's star for good twenty minutes now and Ben prayed he wasn't wrong. The star was much brighter than the one Luke showed him that night but the police officer contacted both the center for universe magic and the school's observatory. The first let them know there were only eleven people with that kind of power and magic currently in the town and they were able to contact eight of them and none of them said the star was theirs. With only three people left the chance was high enough for the star to be Luke's.

Mr. Stillwater who was one of those people and was also at the observatory confirmed the star wasn't one of the regulars and was made with the interference of human channeled magic.

Of course, they all knew that there was a possibility it wasn't Luke and that they were being tricked. If this wouldn't work they already agreed on paying the ransom, it's not like they didn't have enough money. The police warned them that yes they can pay the demanded price but that there's no guarantee they'd get Michael and Luke back.

Ben, who should once become the CEO of The Hemmings Industries would give up every single cent his family had to get his baby brother back. Without even thinking about it.

"We're close." The policeman in charge said and the man Ben learned used his earth magic to trace for any signs of cameras or other kinds of electronics lead them off roads to avoid being exposed.

The car lights weren't on and the car moved slowly through the deserted part of the land near the city.

"Our units will work quickly and for your own safety, we ask you to stay in the car. There will be a radio station on so you'll know everything that's going on."

Ben's dad nodded gratefully to the chief. Ben knew the only reason they were allowed to come was a hefty donation that would and will be made when Luke is returned.

The car stopped near an abandoned-looking factory and when the policemen left the car all Ben could do was squeeze his mother's hand and wait.

"How are you doing?" Michael quietly asked Luke.

He was still leeched to Luke's back supporting him in any way he could.

The luck was on their side as no of their guards seemed to come and check up on them for the past hour.

"I'm fine." Luke smiled weakly.

It was the weird tone of Luke's voice that didn't convince Michael at all and he moved so he could look at his soulmate's face.

Sweat was dripping down his forehead and he looked both tired and sick.

"Shit Luke. You don't look fine."

He quickly used the sleeve of his shirt to wipe Luke's face dry and lovingly kissed his cheek. "What can I do?"

"I'm fine Mikey. Just keep me entertained. I feel like I'll fall asleep."

"Okay, okay." Michael moved so he could stand in front of Luke but he didn't realize just how dependent on him Luke was as he almost fell on the ground. Michael caught him just in time.

"Luke if you're too weak you should stop. I don't want you getting hurt."

"I said I'm fine!" Luke said louder and there was a hint of anger in his voice.

The thing about soulmates was that they complete each other. When one can sing, the other can play the piano so they make the perfect music. Mrs. Stillwater is an amazing artist but she rarely finds inspiration if her husband isn't there to show it to her.

And Michael knew his patience was being tested by Luke's stubbornness.

"I know." Michael made Luke look at him. "I love you."

It was like a magic word that made Luke's frown go away and smile. Their lips barely touched when they kissed but it was somehow enough to stop them both from being upset.

"Let me help you." Michael almost begged.

"I-" Luke stuttered. He tried to communicate with Michael while still concentrating on his star. "I'm a bit hot."

The older boy smiled, that was something he could help Luke with.

The broken window wasn't protected by any magic and Michael was able to create a breeze cold enough to chill Luke a bit.

"Can I tell you something if you promise you won't get mad?" Michael whispered into Luke's ear.

They were now chest to chest, Luke turned against the window to see the moon and the sky and Michael towards the door he knew he needed to guard.

"Why now?" Michael knew Luke was too smart to just say yes.

"Because now my dream came true and you became a part of my world in the best way possible. So I need to tell you this now, not in a year when you'll teach me how to make a star of my own or when you'll open your first exhibition but now."

While Luke's face was warm his hands he slid into Michael's were cold. Not only Michael had all the magic elements, but he could also use more than one at a time. While he was keeping Luke's cheeks chill he quickly warmed his hands.

"I won't love you any less of that I'm sure. So yes."

"It's embarrassing really and a bit stupid. I told you I moved schools for better education but I actually did it for you."

Luke frowned. "But we didn't even know each other back then."

"True." Michael smiled. "But getting a new tattoo every time I saw you was a clue I was willing to follow when your school offered me a place. I promised myself I wouldn't force any kind of friendship or acquaintance with you but after we first talked everything fell into place."

"Creep." Luke giggled.

Just when Michael wanted to tell Luke that that was the best decision he ever made they got scared by screams and shouting.

They could hear steps and running and all of a sudden someone was trying to open the sealed doors.

"Open up!" The woman shouted.

"Fuck you," Michael shouted back and he was ready to protect the room and Luke with his life.

More shouting and swearing was heard and the next pounding on the door was less aggressive.

"Michael Clifford? Luke Hemmings? It's the police, open up." 


Muke babies are safe and sound!!!


Ben getting the best brother award once again.

What do you want to see now that Michael and Luke are free?

Love, Lucija ♡

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