27 - i love the light in your eyes ☽

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I'm not sure if I should cry about the album or the fact that the EU tour will be in the winter (I'll freeze to death while queueing)

2021 me would literally wait for 12 hours in the snow just to see the boys perform.


There were a few things in life Luke was sure of.

He knew he had good friends, a supportive and loving family (to some extent), and a wonderful boyfriend who also happened to be his soulmate.

What Luke knew for sure was also that he really didn't want to wake up.

All the sleep that was taken away from him due to nightmares took a toll on him and even when he could hear someone calling his name and leave wet kisses all over his face and neck... He still really didn't want to wake up.

Somewhere in his brain, one brain cell finally decided to let him know it was his boyfriend's voice and that was something worth waking up for.

Luke first opened one eye and then the other, he always slept with his blinds open so he could see the stars at night and feel the sun on his skin in the morning.

What was even more blinding than the sun was Michael's smile when he saw his soulmate's lovely eyes.

"Morning, beautiful."

Luke smiled but his smile quickly turned into a loud yawn and Michael moved a bit so he could stretch out. When he was done, Michael moved so he was leaning over him once more, their faces only a few centimeters apart.

The older boy didn't look as horrible as Luke knew he did after just waking up. His red hair was styled as normal and his breath smelled like mint.

Michael didn't seem to care about Luke's horrible morning breath as he leaned down with a smile on his face and kissed him.

"You told me you weren't a morning person," Luke whispered, feeling betrayed. Maybe it was Michael's newest tattoo that made him wake up with the sun like Luke usually did.

Michael laughed and pressed his lips against Luke's forehead.

"Lukey, it's almost noon."

Luke's pupils doubled in size and he tried to quickly sit up. He missed the morning walk they've planed.

"Hey, hey." Michael gently pushed him down. "Calm down, we let you sleep because you needed it. I went on a walk with your brothers and they showed me around your property. We'll go on a trip together some other time." Michael kissed Luke once again after he nodded. "We have all the time in the world."

That made him smiled and Luke pulled Michael down into a bone-breaking hug. Michael laughed but hugged him back just as tight.

"Love you."

"Love you too, Lukey, love you too," Michael whispered back.

When Luke got out of the shower after they ate he saw Michael neatly folding the clothes he threw in his suitcases.

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