Chapter 7: Dance Club

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During school the next day, I made sure to ignore any questions relating to me and Benjamin. During all my classes, there was one person asking me about the rumor. As I said, I just ignored it.

So during Health class, we were reviewing for a test that would cover the last chapter we went over. The teacher strictly said to not talk during this time. I was looking at some cliff notes when I heard the person next to me whisper to me. I looked at him and saw that he was one of those kids who got accepted into the school through some talent or skill they had. How did I know? The guy was wearing jeans that were faded from age and a shirt that had lost some of its wax words.

Anywho, he mouthed for me to turn to a certain page in my textbook. I did so, knowing that it probably contained some type of sex-related content or something to do with a penis.


I stopped on the page and saw nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, it was nearly two pages of text, with the small picture of a person here and there. I raised an eyebrow, wondering why he wanted me to go to this specific page.

I decided to read it, and turns out, it was a section about safe sex. It went into detail about how a condom works, and other things that help people not get pregnant or contract an STD. I kept reading into the pages that came, and saw that there was literally instructions about how to put a condom on and where to place it and where to not place it.

I looked back at the guy and he gave me a thumbs up with a smile. I looked back down and thought to myself, I'm only 15...

My English class, we read our own books we got from the library for 20 minutes before we started anything else. I was just reading my The Jock and Nerd: Surprisingly Uncliché book, reaching a chapter where they decide to go on their first date and don't know what to do. I smiled at how inexperienced they were in dating, asking each other if this is the proper time to hold hands or open doors for one another for example.

In the middle of the reading, I heard someone unzip their backpack and the rustling of it. A minute later, I heard paper being crumpled up slowly, causing a few eyes to look to where the sound was coming from. I didn't pay much attention to it until I felt something hit my head. I flinched and saw that a crumpled up piece of paper was on the side of my desk.

Looking up, I saw the thrower had hidden in the ducked heads of readers, leaving me with an anonymous note.

I picked it up, opened it up, and saw the note they left for me.

Hey Zachary,

I know you and Benjamin may or may not be dating. I'm not against it or anything, just warning you that Ben might not like you for long. Maybe he wants you to see what it's like being in a gay relationship because he's simply curious, maybe he's wanting you for sex since he is a teenage boy. Like I said, I support gay people, just try not to think too much of it when you're in Dump City.

I gave a barely audible snort. Passive aggressive much? I stuffed the note into my backpack and continued on with my reading. Though, I was interrupted again by the teacher this time, thankfully. She just passed out assignments for an essay we were to do. It was to be about our dreams in the future and what we needed to do to be able to accomplish them.

My next class, and my least favorite one to talk about, Maths. The teacher was a bit lenient on teaching us anything, so when it came to tests, the majority of us were completely lost on some questions. This was one of those lenient days. I just sat in my seat while others put their desks together for better conversations or to play one of many board games the teacher had in his class.
It was strange, considering the school was a prestigious one at that.
He didn't pass out any assignments for today, so I sat there waiting for the hour and thirty-minute period to end already. I looked up at the clock and saw that we were only a quarter of the period in. I sighed, putting my head down and ready to take a nap.

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