Chapter 21: Two Weeks Left

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Benjamin and Owen were... less than energetic when we returned to school that Monday. Sullen faces mixed with the look of extremely ticked off sons who confronted their parents about their apparent affair.

If I'm being completely honest, I treasured this period of silence and utter humiliation both let off. I was able to just EAT my lunch without either arguing or plotting. But of course, all great things come to an end.

Three weeks were what was left until mid-terms. At this point, practically everyone was stressing out with studying. Student tutors retired and there was an announcement that all clubs and afterschool activities would be canceled for students to focus primarily on studying. The principal even confirmed the theory.

"My reason for canceling clubs and afterschool activities is due to the exams coming up soon! Please keep in mind that you WILL be graded strictly, and the accumulative grade you receive WILL, I repeat, WILL decide whether or not you will continue being a student here in Tobagco Academy. Due to an overwhelming amount of parental complaints and insufficient funds needed to power the two buildings we constructed over summer, alongside the clearing of the public school's mold problem, the school board has decided to implement this."

Finishing with a "Best of luck to everyone," I then realized that I couldn't waste any time gloating over the reality check Benjamin and Owen got. In fact, not even the lazy math teacher wasted any time. As soon as everyone heard the announcement, everyone's noses were buried in the textbook of whatever class they were in.

Despite having Richard and Max to assist me in focusing, my anxious thoughts kept catching up to me. As much as I agreed with Richard's comforting and wise words and Max's inability to never fail to make me calmer with his relaxed vibe, that damn anxiety always managed to return to the main train of thought. But still, taking in Richard's advice of, "No matter what. Ignore that voice and listen to an outside voice. I'm saying you're going to pass and will stay in the academy." Honestly, it was comforting and a change of my own crappy demons telling me otherwise. 

And also, I had grown fond of the scheduled studying sessions Richard hosted in his library. The peaceful serenity while being surrounded by the sweet smell of rich, smooth coffee that Richard always asked for us, the strange scent from the books that enveloped us, and the once hostile Richard casually helping me through my homework and study guides. It was one of my favorite times of the week, a step away from reality for a moment. Just three teenagers doing homework. 

I couldn't let it pass up, so I stopped our studying and Max's seemingly caffeine taste chug. 

"Hey, Richard? Max?"

Max peered from the corner of his eye, his coffee mug still lifted and his other hand twirling his mechanical pencil. Richard lifted his tired gaze in his professional pose of resting his chin on his index finger. 



"I appreciate you both. This is... just lovely. It's such a change from everything and anything that annoys me and this...this gives me a sense of serenity. And it's thanks to both of you letting me be here, it's... it's almost..."

Max was grinning, scooting his seat close. He flamboyantly propped his muzzle on the backs of his hands, fluttering his eyes.

Max whooed, "Pleasaaant? Deeeelightful? Booonny?"

Richard chuckled, "Bonny? Since when did that reach your vocabulary?"

"Since Zach lost 25 pounds without the help of anyone despite being around all sorts of relapsing foods, AND still enjoyed some sweats within his control, and managed to help get Benjamin and that mink kid to get a good ol' reality check about taking things too far. "

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