Chapter 12: A Date with... Benjamin and Owen?

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As promised, I went to West Brook Mall, the same mall we usually frequented. It's was basically a lower middle class with the thirty or so stores containing only 15 to 20 dollar shirts or the same dozen songs playing on repeat all day. I would've been stoked to be able to hang out with friends, but with so many things piled up on my tea plate, I couldn't help but worry over them.

Benjamin and Owen must've mentally or possibly even mutually agreed to tone down the fighting for my sake. I guess I didn't do a good job at wiping my lumpy face. Benjamin was offering Owen some coin candy while Owen offered Benjamin a book he bought.

But upon closer inspection, the coin candy was black licorice flavored and the book was titled, Common Sense for Dummies. Ode to respect I guess.

We stopped here and there, checking out brand name shoes, sizing ourselves up with jackets for the cooling weather, etc. I was in the middle of juggling the couple dollars and seven cents in my pocket while glancing at a perfect fit coat's 40 dollar price tag.

"I still got that one jacket. It still fits, I think..."

Benjamin bounced up next to me, carrying a bag of a new yellow jacket and several pairs of socks, "Gonna buy that?"

"No, too expensive." I hooked it back into it's "40% Off!" hanger and placed it back along with the other coats and jackets. The sign on top stated, "20-40% Off! For a limited time only!".

Benjamin studied the rack longer than he should have. I just left him there and went to a spinning display of wallets. None of them seemed to be under eight dollars. That's when Owen appeared from behind it. He held his own plastic bag of two thick jackets and gloves.

"Need a new wallet?"

"Nah, just checking it out. They're nice looking and I am getting tired of hauling my money and ID..."

"Well, buy it!"

"I will! I'm just looking around for now..." I stepped away, Owen watching me with wonder in his eyes.

By the end of the small shopping spree, I felt both overwhelmed with the looming mid-terms and the huge possibility of getting kicked out of the academy. Meanwhile, Benjamin and Owen were overwhelmed with their bags of new clothes, trinkets, and other miscellaneous things. I honestly felt a bit jealous that they were able to just buy all their items without a second glance. But it made sense, Benjamin's dad owned a mall and Owen's dad worked at a country club.

I checked my phone, seeing whether or not my dad messaged me to see if I was okay or wanted to pick me up. Nothing.
I checked the time: 5:13, another hour before I'd call my dad. Or maybe stay out his fur for a bit longer. Give him a break or so.

"Hey Zach, aren't you gonna buy something? There are deals everywhere." Owen asked me.

It was true, there was a surplus of deals in all the units, and there were plenty of people wanting to take advantage of this. I vaguely remembered when my dad took me to buy a bunch of polo shirts and shorts I hated because they displayed my gut.

That's when Benjamin interrupted by recalling and pushed Owen out the way, "Zach, you have to buy something! I think I saw deals for some shorts you'd love for dance!"

"It's alright. I'm fine." I shrugged.

Benjamin's ears lowered, "What do you mean? Come on, let's go buy them! They're dark blue and pretty big! I know you'd love those!"

He smiled and winked, wrinkling the bag's in his grip. I shook my head again.

"It's alright, I can't afford anything here anyway." I shrugged again.

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