Chapter 16: Halloween Preparations

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In the days following, Owen and Benjamin were discussing their "plan".

The plan included examining their father's behaviors and keeping a note of all the "gay" things they did. Once they collected enough evidence, they would confront both men with their collection of candid photos and questions.

Of course, I was roped into the plan, distracting me from my studies.
My one, long-term chance of finally proving myself to the academy that I was worth keeping enrolled was foiled with the two twats.

I nearly gurgled my water when Owen, out of the blue, said, "Zach, you mentioned your dad knew Benjamin's father?"

"Yeah- what about it?"

"Well, turns out, Benjamin's father works as an accounting director at this architecture office. Drake Architecture!"

Benjamin jutted in, "It's like six miles away, between the Carnege Art Museum and Crystal Plaza."

I was confused. So I asked, "Okay...? What does-”

Owen laid out a few scraps of printed paper. "That art museum always has LGBT themed art pieces! In fact, it's named after one of the city's earlier mayors who collected art!"

Benjamin jabbed a finger at one line of print, "He never married anyone, always was at bars, spent tons of time with his male friends, and has letters sent to his secret lover!"

I asked again, "Okay, so... what could an art museum possibly-"

"Let us finish!" Owen pulled out a crisp notebook filled with printed photos and glued articles.

When lunch signaled me to hurry away to my next class, after learning more about the secret sex lives of gay men back during the early 20th century.
A quick summary of what they told me is Benjamin's dad frequents the art museum, visits the Crystal Plaza owner because he's openly gay, and again, the way he and Owen's dad communicate and "feel" each other up.

They even went as far as to creating a group chat for them to repeat and give additional evidence. Benjamin asked me to provide any proof of anything at all, considering his father mentioned something about a "large raccoon with an equally large son".

My father and I had actually... suffered a bump in our relationship. Ever since I had my twatty little outburst, he and I drifted.

We still talked, but there was no mistaking that we were different in doing the things we loved doing before.
The cop show we oggled at, resulted in us having small, unenthusiastic conversations about it.
The sewing my dad dwindled in, turned into a casual hobby he invested himself in.
Dinner became personal meals, we simply taking our plates and going on our merry way.

I despised that moment in time.

I never felt more... disgusted with myself than when I came to the realization that I caused our broken relationship.My outburst, my hideous attitude, and just my stubbornness and idiocy in myself.

I couldn't focus on Benjamin's rambling or on my miniature meal of an egg-salad sandwich. Recalling how obviously he was concealing something during my escapade at the mall, I just couldn't help but let my common sense wonder.

The biggest thought was one I continuously asked myself was, "How could he afford to send me to Tobagco?"

But the answer remained with my dad, and I didn't bother him with the question anymore.

A week passed, another week closer to mid-terms. Studying steadily increased among the student body, to the point it was a rarity to find an upperclassman that was still tutoring.

With the staggering amount of mental cramming, I actually forgot the days that counted to Halloween.
I most likely would've overlooked Halloween if it weren't for Owen's sudden change of wearing monster-themed clothing.

"So? What are you doing for Halloween?" Owen asked me, two days before Halloween evening.

"Huh? What are you?..."

"Halloween? The day before Día de lós Múertós? Trick or treating?"

"I know, I just forgot what day was today. I've been preoccupied with studying?" I waved a study guide for Biology.

Benjamin gulped his fruit punch, "I think Richard invited me to this mascarade ball for the holiday. Oh yeah! He also invited you, Zach!"

I figured I misheard, so I had him repeat it.

"Richard invited you to a mascarade ball. It'll obviously be Halloween themed, but he likes the idea of masks. There will be a good DJ, servers serving food and drinks, and the good stuff!"

Finally breaking my trance off my study guide, I made eye-contact with Benjamin.
Never in my life did I ever ponder the idea of being able to attend a high school party. It might've been a semi-formal event, but being invited by the host felt as though... I was becoming more like the idealized version of myself than I was.
So of course, I accepted the invitation.

When I asked Richard about the ball, he gave me a swift examination of my body, more so my cheap outfit.

"Say, since the mascarade will take place tomorrow, want me to take you clothes shopping? Those clothes seem a little loose on you."

That word rang in my brain. Loose.

My clothing, the same extra-large shirt, and 38 waistline pants. The exact shirt that I specifically wore to hide my flabs, the exact pants that left my stomach flag hanging over my belt, were "loose" on me.

I figured Richard was respecting me as his acquaintance, but then he said, "Hey, don't take this as an insult, but you look thinner than you did at the beginning of the year?"

My chest elevated. I felt a shock of revelation course through my body.

"Like, your cheeks look less chubby than then did-"

I unconsciously pinched my longtime filled cheeks, my elevating chest continuing to raise, my bottom lip trembling.

"-and your torso doesn't fit the large shirts you like wearing."

The breath unbeknownst to my realization released, along with a silent stream of tears that leaked their way down my black and grey fur. The lukewarm sensation seeped to my skin, and Richard asked, "Shit... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry- are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks, I've... I've been trying to be thinner for... a long time now."

"I thought I was being insensitive-”

"No! No, I prefer you to speak what you think. There's just not enough of that these days, don't be sorry!"

"Well, it's the truth, and I figure you need to hear it." He grinned.

"And I'm glad... I've just been working so hard with dancing and eating healthier and-" I smudged my tears off

"Hey hey, don't fret. You're looking better than you think, I promise." Richard reached over and gave my shuddering shoulder a pat.

And with traded smiles and mutual respect, my friendship with Richard officially began.

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