Chapter 15: Confrontation

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Ever since Max opened a new can of a mix of worms and knowledge, I've been building up the courage to bring both Benjamin and Owen's point of view to the main issue: They're annoying.

While they didn't have much to be concerned about in the academy, considering their wealthy backgrounds, I needed this to concentrate.

With Halloween approaching, I figured the best time would be after school during dance club. I've noticed Benjamin tends to maintain a good image of himself during his practices, and Owen tends to usually stay calm and civilized around people. Not counting the mall food court experience.

I actually didn't realize how little I knew about Owen. Aside from being wealthy and the only person to honestly be my friend, not much was known about what he did after school. Nonetheless, I invited him to the dance studio after school on a Wednesday, five days before Halloween.

The reason why I chose that specific day, was just because Owen was tired and sluggish from a mathematics quiz and physic's test earlier that day. Owen was yawning and tugged at his zombie beanie, so I figured he wouldn't have much energy to argue with Benjamin.

As for Benjamin, I've come to the conclusion that if I simply kept my hand on his shoulder or possibly even laid my head on his lap in an affectionate fashion, he'd keep his calm and be too flustered to begin any arguments.

I kept my plans hidden until the very last minute so that they'd wouldn't have time to figure out their words. Owen's eyes opened the farthest open I've ever seen them open when I said, "Follow me to dance club."

"Wait, what? But-"

"Richard might be there and I'm afraid he's going to finally beat me up." I lied. Owen didn't know Richard and I were on good terms.

"But- fine. Let's go. Just change fast so I can take a nap." Owen yawned, exaggerating his posture when he did.

In the locker room, I hurried into my shorts and lead the mink off. Benjamin arrived at school in a sleeveless hoodie, so he was buying himself with practicing the club's routine.

Owen wasn't displaying any sort of cheerful attitude in keeping a lookout for Richard. He was slumped over on the locker room bench, pouting in his exhaustion.

I had to keep my eyes from rolling out my skull; the two trading looks of annoyance once I finished changing and situated myself near Benjamin. That leopard cat also pouted, asking me to come closer to adjust minor things in my crummy version of the choreography.

"No, you come here. Silly." I forced myself to say that. Whatever to lure Benjamin and stay flustered.

And flustered he was, Benjamin stuttered out a chuckle of words, "Pfft- Wha-what? I-I-I don't- what?"

He did walk over, flabbergasted, just like I wanted.
Owen sighed and faced his gaze at the mirror wall.

Benjamin asked, "So, what-what was you calling me 'silly'?"

"What's up with your dad being the reason why Owen's dad is such a suck-up?"

Benjamin spluttered and Owen's beanie nearly flung off.

"What?!" Benjamin whispered. He never raised his voice during dance club, even if it revolved around adjusting the choreography.

Owen's mouth twisted down in his shock, opening his mouth to try saying anything, but nothing coming out.

Owen glared at me, ready to perform that same mind mumbo-jumbo on me he fooled Richard with possibly.

"Good, now that you two won't start up your BITCHING about each other, talk it now." I twirled my hands towards the two, wedging myself away.

"And just keep in mind that people are watching. Behave now." I whispered, feeling an immense sense of satisfaction over the upper hand I had.

After a minute of head-turning to me and glaring at each other, Benjamin started off, "I hate your dad."

"Newsflash, I hate your dad too." Owen mocked.

"At least my dad is smart with his money. He was a concierge five years ago, but he was smart enough to invest his money!"

"A concierge- what the hell do you-”

" The same thing as your dad right?"

"Yeah, but even so, living expenses and bills are on the table!" Owen began whisper yelling.

"So? It's not like only people with tons of money saved up can invest in stocks! Your dad can put like 10 dollars in some tech stocks and get some couple hundred dollars back!"

"Screw off, I know that! But it's just my dad keeps kissing up to your dad for raises and crap! And you know it!"

Benjamin glanced over to the rest of the room, seeing that everybody was preoccupied with perfecting our hip hop routine, and returned back with, "I know that! Your dad is always visiting for dinner and always..."

Benjamin scratched his ears and sighed, "Your dad is always... touching my dad?"

Owen was taken aback, "What?"

Even I stopped stretching and tuned in on this revelation.

"Whenever your dad visits for dinner, he's always hugging my dad. Like, more than my mom or I do. Like... he holds onto my dad for longer than normal?"

"What the... is that it or...?" Owen raised his eyebrows and moved closer to Benjamin.

Benjamin lowered his voice, although I could still make out what he told Owen.

"He sometimes puts his hand on my dad's hand. I hate your dad because... He's most likely trying to... you know."

Owen nearly snarled, "Thats not true! My dad spewed all this crap about it was against nature to be gay and he pulls this shit?"

Benjamin nodded, "It doesn't help that my dad also goes along with it. And he also told me to break up with my boyfriend because he wanted grandchildren."

And there, that moment was when both immature teenagers collectively agreed to rebel against their father's ideology. I smiled when they traded phone numbers.

Owen continued the conversation by saying, "So you've had a boyfriend before?"

Benjamin smiled and nodded, "Yeah. You know Richard Powles?"

Yup, the same Richard that started off holding a grudge against me and recently invited me to his mansion to study.

"Him?! He's your ex?! Isn't he like, graduating this year?"

"Yeah, but we were together before he turned 17, calm down." Benjamin giggled.

Owen leaned in and chirped, "So wait, do you have eyes for Zachery or..."

"Shuuuush." Benjamin hissed, avoiding the question by motioning at the club leader announcing whatever.

In the end, both Benjamin and Owen finally ended their petty dislike for one another... by agreeing to have a petty dislike for their fathers. I wasn't complaining. I could focus on my studies and finally have a quiet lunch.

I told myself, "You can finally focus on school Zach."

Oh, how wrong I was.

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