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Special mention to l3sbianaf for creating this amazing cover for me!!!

In the distance the outlines of two sets of wings were approaching at a fast rate

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In the distance the outlines of two sets of wings were approaching at a fast rate. The pair was flying somewhat awkward compared to the usually graceful aerobatics of the gorgeous winged warriors.

The woman they carried between them grew steadily into focus. Her raven hair absorbed the invasive rays of sunshine contrasting to her fair, lightly tanned skin. The Warrior's wore uncaring masks as they flew her onto the highest plateau of blue rock in their kingdom.

Upon landing the warriors gave her a push causing her to crash onto her knees. Her long bangs of charcoal hair obscured her face, where intense green emeralds stared coldly at the old white robed man watching the clouds coil in the abyss.

Behind the woman the warriors have taken to a defensive position. Their snow-white feathers reflected the sunlight at the edges producing a halo of light to illuminate their short-cut dirty blonde hair.
Their wings towered over her head and once again she wished for a set of her own.

She could have simply flown away into the sunset, away from the looming doom of her actions. The old man finally turned acknowledging their presence. His brow was wrinkled even more than usual by a deep frown.

The woman tilted her head slightly to catch a glimpse of the second prisoner. Her shoulders lost their tension and caved in as devastation overtook her.

The winged man left of her was on his knees too, although his authoritative aura was still stubbornly refusing to yield.

She once again was absorbed by his beauty, the rebellious waves of his golden locks, the strong outline of the powerful thighs. His naked torso and 8 pack caused her to almost swallow her tongue.

But still the most significant sight was his set of wings. The multi-coloured feathers made him look even more haunting. The golden layer of the feathers on top resembled the broken light when one peers through a slab of amber in an afternoon glow. The under layer though was the deepest midnight black, ready to absorb any trace of light. The feathers glittered furiously in a dark blue when a reflected ray was caught in their soft down.

He slowly turned his head to look at her. His crystal blue eyes were the epitome of tranquillity in the newly formed Caribbean sea. They captured hers and sorrow immediately split through his eyes. He then lowered his head and broke their eye contact.

The old man had clearly observed their exchange. His robes billowed around him as the wind grew stronger. When he spoke in a whisper the wind carried his words away only to lash them into their ears.

"It is a treacherous crime that hath been done by your actions Evergreen and Samael. I expected more of you. Now you leave me no choice but to exile both of you from my heavenly kingdom. Samael, your life shalt be spent herding the faulty creatures of the earth and bringing them to a place beneath the crust where they cannot hurt anyone's eyes. You shalt be given eternity to fulfill your duty and amend your crimes."

Eve slowly raised her head. Her unkempt hair falling away from her face. The movement caused the rays of sunshine to harshly pierce her eyes and she squinted them shut again. The old man looked at her and the wind invaded her ear. For a whisper his voice equaled a shout in the silent summer day.
His voice was quiet high pitched for an angel so old.

"Now Evergreen, you haveth disobeyed my utmost rules. Your creation was to begin the successful reproduction and refinement of the human species. Adamis is your equal and your only mate. So, to ensure the survival of the human race you will mate with him."

Eve looked at the old bastard. He had a smirk on his lips that she wanted to claw off. She could feel Samael's pleading eyes on her, but she had had enough.

"You know? For someone so old and married you should by now have noticed that no matter what you do or say, Marion still has the upper hand in your relationship? And who gave you the right to dictate everyone else's life? Especially who we decide to select as our mate."

Her nostrils flared with agitation and she knew her eyes would have the wild look in them again that so many of the Heavenlies despised.

She didn't care anymore what they thought of her, Sam had taught her that. She wanted him to hold her tight against him again. She yearned for his soothing and loving touch. Even thinking about what had conspired between them inflamed her cheeks. The pit in her belly made her squeeze her thighs together in recollection of their dirty deeds a full moon ago.

She stared at the old man and didn't speak again. Nor could she. Her tongue was in his firm grasp and his curved diamond dagger cut through the muscle without her feeling any pain until seconds later. Samael was by her side before she knew what had happened. His guards failing to restrain him.

"That will teach you to hold your tongue in the future. You are hearby banished to earth, where you will find sanctuary in my paradise. Once you have successfully mated with Adamis your children shall roam my earth. It's treasures plenty for their reaping and the wenches ready to bear them heirs. It has been time enough for the humans to receive an upgrade. You will be bound to the garden and not leave until Adamis will be satisfied. Your close friendship with my best warrior was your downfall and you will pay. And Samael. You have fallen. Now take her away."

"Are you serious?" She heard Sam's enraged voice. "You can't abandon her down there! Let me go with her. I can guard the paradise and loosen Gabriel's load!"

"You have duty enough. You shall herd all beasts and bring them to the place called Hell. The paradise is to be avoided, am I clear? No creature in paradise shall be subject to the fires of Hell. Now leave and begin your future in your new home."

The twin warriors Rafael and Michael whom had brought her to the blue rock quickly flew her back to the forest. This was the last time she would ever lay eyes on the silver trunks of the birches, the rainbow coloured birds and the beautiful men. They were all lonely at night and the camaraderie between them was slowly disintegrating in their ranks.

The gate loomed before them. Her tongue throbbed and now she could never tell Samael about the child she knew was growing in her belly. The old man knew nothing of just how close her friendship with Sam had been. It was her secret now. She would save her first born, the heir to the House of Fire and send her to a future where her child would have a chance. Where her child could learn how to survive. Where her child could flourish and know the meaning of love. And most importantly save the women destined to serve the angels upon her departure. It was her child's destiny she believed. It's destiny to fight and love so fiercely that no fire could burn it and nothing could be cold enough to freeze it's heart.

She looked at Rafe  and Mike and silently promised; "I will be avenged. And Sam will find out the truth"
The angels looked at each other and then at her. They both led her through the portal. To the Garden and her doom.

She thanked Sam for the ring he'd given her. The shadow essence of his feathers to access the time vault and make one walk. It would kill her on her return, but it would save her first born from the certain death the past would bestow on it. She only hoped the future would be a better place.

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