Chapter 21

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The unit moved steadily

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The unit moved steadily.

Her bow was a reassuring weight against her back and it made her feel more secure.

It hadn't taken them long to reach the mountains. The days had passed surprisingly fast, but then again, the wind had been pushing them along.

The sweeping forests had morphed into ever steeper cliffs. Brakes in between the trees had revealed deep gashes in the soil that dropped to empty air below.

The floats had become numerous to a point where a mountain range was consisting of over a hundred smaller floating islands merged together over time.

Now amongst the silent peaks of one of such ranges, the squad began to drift closer and closer to a flat outcrop.

Upon landing Raven knew that a group of women had passed through not too long ago. Anxiety held her back from enjoying the fresh scent.
Her companions had other ideas as they clapped each other on the back and ruffled their hair.

Over the days she had come to enjoy their company. Although she hadn't uttered a word that was past necessity the other Angels couldn't seem to keep their mouths shut.

"They've been here! And not too long ago either!" Emadiel was literally jumping with excitement. His poor girlfriend.

Centi had a smile on his lips but he was watching Raven with the eyes of a hawk.

The other three were grinning and sharing Emadiel's joy.

Raven was not excited and that was her mistake.

"What's wrong?" Centi asked her before she could school her features.

The question drew the other's attention to her and she found herself in the spotlight.

Thinking quickly she said the first thing that came to her mind. "Nothing, I just believe we shouldn't celebrate when we haven't seen or found them yet."

Centi nodded in agreement, but his eyes told her a different story. She ignored him and turned around to the open expanse. The ridge was unstable in the air as the fused rocks were partially held together by stiff vines.

Once again she marvelled at the women's survival skills and adaptability to the terrain.

They had to have scaled the thick vines that connected the range to the larger float that pulled on the chain of islands from far below.

"Okay friends. They can't be far away. This is where the patrol caught the other one, let's get the rest and get them home again. We can't have any strays now, can we?" Raven could precisely feel Centi's eyes on her.

The chief's son was very clever. She always appreciated a person's brain capacity, but right now she really wished he were as dumb and oblivious as a rock.

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