Chapter 23

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Raven had predicted the reaction. So instead of faltering, she quickly spun around and reversed their positions.

She had a firm grip hooked under his arms. Centurion's weight fragged her downwards as he was still paralyzed in a stupor.

"H-how...Wha-what just happened?"

The words were unsure and quiet in the raging forces. The sounds were whisper away before being thrown back to make a jumbled mess.

A laugh bubbled up from her chest.

The mighty warrior shocked stupid.

Her arms were straining to keep him up and her wings now had to beat for two.

"There's a lot that you don't know C. Don't underestimate me and don't tell me what to do. I have a tendency to not follow orders.

It took a long silence before Centurion answered. Raven had begun spiralling upwards to a small separated float high up. A strong upwards drift pushed at her feathers as they caught the full wind.

When she landed and dropped him harshly on the ground Centi finally spoke.

"You have the exact temper and character of the ancestors which gave you those wings, you know?"

Raven stopped in her tracks. She had been about to bite into the green apple she had plucked from a tree when her hand stopped halfway to her mouth. Her back was still facing him, the apple poised before her lips, daring her to take a bite.

"Your wings haven't been around since the banishment. Rumours came from the Earth watchers a few times of having spotted them, but none believed. Your wings Raven are given from Lucifer himself."

She rounded on him before he could continue. "Are you saying that I am the Devil?"

Centi took a step back. His boot was at the edge of the platform of uneven rocks. One step back and he'd have to use his wings.

"Tha'ts not what I'm saying Rave. You are a direct descendant from Lucifer or Samael as he was called back then. He was the first Angel who pushed the idea of Matching. He was jealous of Adamis for having Evergreen made for him. So he charmed her, seduced her and mated with her.
Back when God was still around he banished Lucifer and Evergreen was forced to mate with Adamis, God's made human. He didn't know though that Eve had already conceived. In God's Eden, Eve gave birth to her daughter, a daughter with wings of Gold and Black just like her Father's.
To hide the child and keep her safe Eve used the Forbidden fruit. You see, when you bote the fruit it transports you you a different time. One never knows where they end up though.
Evergreen was designed specifically for Adam. She was the perfect human meant to add better genes to the humans inhabiting Earth back then. Her match with Luci caused an uproar in the balance.
When an Angel mates with a human the female child is automatically human. The Angel gene is carried only in the male chromosome. Since-"

"So how do you explain me? Huh?"

Centi growled. The frown combined with the noise shut her up to continue his explanation.

"As I was saying," he threw a dirty look at her "Since Eve was made by God her genes were closer to that of an Angel. She herself was dormant but any of her offspring would have more Angelic features than normal humans.
And since she mated with Samael, God's best and most elite warrior, it allowed her daughter to grow wings."

"So you're saying that I am Evergreen's daughter? As in Eve from the bible?"

Her expression must have been comical but the information was still sinking in.

"No, you're not. You are her Great granddaughter I believe. When Eve gave birth she fed her daughter the Forbidden Fruit. Adamis never knew of this, Eve had kept distance between them throughout her pregnancy. The child was sent to the middle ages, the fruit still in her hand.
She ended up becoming head of a clan in Scotland. Rumours said she was an Angel and around that time our Sentinels on Earth reported the first sighting. I was even born back then.
It is said that she had a son whom she gave a ball to play with one night. The next day he was gone along with the ball."

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