Chapter 17

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Raven was up before the sun had risen. The darkness of the forest enveloped her as she made her way to the sound of rushing water.

Fury walked stealthily behind her the huge mare's head hung low to the ground snatching crispy green leaves for breakfast.

The munching was so far the only sound around them.

From the shadows Raven could feel the mistrusting eyes watching her. Following her every move. Saving age Angel woman's life had made them take a step back, but caution still presented in their attitudes and behavior.

Before long they had reached the rushing source of water. A massive rock cliff towered over her. The water was bursting from a long horizontal crack in the hard stone. Above and around the crevice ferns and creepers claimed the sharp rocks as their domain. Skinks and spiders crawled over the rocks that were gleaming in the gloomy light of the early morning as the plants on the rock wall cast deep shadows over the rest of the pool of water beneath.

Although the night was still black the water was glowing an iridescent blue with the microorganisms attracting their prey.

Sliding out of her cargo pants and other clothes Raven relished in slipping into the cool water. She didn't bother concerning herself with the piercing stares which she could feel on her as the slippery stones massaged her feet, the stones crunching under her weight. Her long black hair fanned out around her after she had taken it out of it's braid and the glow of the water spread over her skin.

On the shore Fury was eating the tufts of grass that were scarcely spread in between the big round rocks that surrounded the pool.

The massive figs began to glow in the canopies as the sun gently fumbled through their leaves. Life erupted around them as animals called out. At the edge of the tree line Raven saw a group of tiny green forms sitting on a rock watching her.

Fury didn't mind them so Raven figured they didn't mean harm and were simply observing.

Her hands ran over her body removing the salty clammy sweat from her body.

She stayed and watched as the shadowed rock wall slowly illuminated into a vibrant green carpet. The insect activity increased filling the space with a steady humming.

Regretting having to put her clothes back on, Raven reentered the camp to seek out Fern. The girl had spent her night by the new mother's side.

Isla was awake and sipping water from a bowl when she entered. Looking up at the stranger.

"I have to leave, Fern"

Fern's head snapped around at Raven's words. A sad tinge spread over them and yet understanding shone through.

"When? You ha e no idea where to go. How do you know if you can find your answers?"

"I leave in an hour Fern. I am clearly not welcomed here. I hate this damn forest and I'll be stuck here along with your cohorts if I don't leave as soon as possible! And I have a task to finish anyway."

She knew her voice had risen slightly after the last words left her mouth. She couldn't quite make herself care even though Fern had been nothing but kind to her so far.

"I need to find the Angels that have wings Fern. I know they'll have more answers than Anaka could ever give me. And, yes, that means even if she would give me at least some clues about your culture. I haven't got the slightest clue what you're all about! What am I supposed to do to find answers if no one will tell me anything, huh? Not even your friends have come to me! Not that I care but at least see the situation from my point of view!"

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