Chapter 12

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There she was

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There she was.

The magnificent black beast which had spirited her to this adventure. The beautiful creature whose name could clearly describe the temper with which she barreled towards Raven now.

If Fury had been a racehorse, not a single thoroughbred would have been able to compete with her.

Even with the wings tucked in securely by her sides and not navigating by air, the massive creature was able to gallop through the deep sand faster than a bolt of lightning.

The relief that had flooded Raven at seeing her friend was now replaced by sheepish regret and a guilty expression crossed her face.

Distance between them was in a second a distance no more. It was a hair's width as the black Nightmare huffed and puffed into Raven's face. The abrupt stop had wedged the animal's hooves knee deep in sand. The wind quickly dispersed of the drifting dust clouds and a thin sheet of foggy carpet his the boiling dirt.

The sun had already risen a few hours before and the glare from it's high position in the sky bit into Raven's eyes.

Her attention back on the Nightmare Raven exhaled loudly to clear her nostrils of the dust which had been blown into them.

In her agitation Fury's tail blew in the heavy wind like a crackling flame. It snapped this way and that. If Raven wasn't careful it may as well be the end of her eyes.

Irregular high pitched shrieks communicated the Nightmare's fury. Before the Nightmare could continue with its' aural assault Raven managed to place her palm over the pointy snout attempting to calm the agitated animal.

Fury wouldn't have that though. Rearing back, the animal was quick to level a vicious kick with her four-clawed front hoof at the black haired girl.

Ducking just in time and rolling out of the way, Raven preserved her body and face from being smashed into mush. The cloud carpet that had been blowing towards the dunes evenly was disturbed and puffed higher around Raven.

She now realised that her rash action may have been a bit too rash for the attached creature to deal with. Fury was strong. But that didn't mean that the Nightmare lacked empathy or the ability to care.

In other words she slightly regretted vaulting from the Nightmares back to test her wings.

An animal, Raven knew, experienced emotions differently than humans. Animals often had more empathy. They usually didn't judge an act or a reaction of another being. Sure they acted upon other's reactions, although they acted without judgement.

Fury? Fury was judging. Heavily. Raven had never thought a horse could stare so malevolently at any being at all. Her temperament although very infuriated, soothed and warmed Raven's heart.

Raven raised her open palms. Then shouted an exasperated 'Oi!' as a back hoof sailed towards her face.

She ducked and rolled to the left. Hot sand blew into the back of her collar and glued itself to her sweaty back.

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