Chapter 1

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The blisters on her hands stung as she washed them with the rose scented soap bar in the bathroom

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The blisters on her hands stung as she washed them with the rose scented soap bar in the bathroom. The old fashioned wood was gleaming in the light of the vanity cupboard light in an old-fashioned way.

All afternoon she'd been chopping the cedar wood for the firewood heap. She didn't complain when her Dad asked her to complete the chore. As strange as it sounds she actually enjoyed chopping the logs in half. And as far as she was concerned about the blisters? Well, good thing she wasn't.

Just as she was thinking about it the flapping skin detached and washed down the drain. A smile crossed her lips as pride for her fast healing flushed through her body. It came in handy and considering how accident prone she was it surprised her that she was still walking.

Her hands were now soft and golden again as she exited the bathroom to grab some food from the kitchen. Liam was making some sandwiches with peanut butter. Mhmmm, peanut butter! She loved that stuff!

The magnificent cedar bench tops were gleaming and giving a warm aura to the space. Liam's chocolate brown waves fit in naturally with the architecture. Her brother looked up from his work and smiled brightly as she came in.

"Want some?" He asked warmly.

She gave him a grin thinking of how well he knew her. "Hell yeah, please!"

A short laugh escaped his pink lips as his honey brown eyes returned their attention back to the sandwiches.

The front door opened just as she turned around to face it and the living area. A hulking shape appeared in the door and a bright smile graced her lips. She ran over to the muscly man and threw her arms around his neck. The thick jeans-jacket was cold as she buried her head in his chest.

"Hey sweetheart. Why so friendly all of a sudden? What happened to my grumpy kitten?" His teasing grin just managed to keep her from pulling a face at him.

"Hi Dad, can't I say hello to my old man when he comes home from finishing work today?" She teased.

"Well, usually you're very grumpy in the evenings." He said it innocently, but she could see him treading his grounds carefully.

She smiled in mirth. She was quite grumpy at night. But the only reason was the itching of the muscles in her back. You see, she only really used them at night to avoid detection. Not even her family knew everything about her.

Strangely, today her back did not itch.

Lost in her thoughts she broke away from her Dad and moved towards the crackling static of the radio on the wooden table in the living room. She turned it off and instead tuned the TV. Switching to the 24 hour news program, the latest news were being broadcasted.

She watched as the weather reporter was shown in a close-up and indicating to the chart behind her. The whole North American continent was displayed in white from a satellite image. She turned her head around from her seat on the couch keeping her eyes on the screen.

"Dad?" She questioned. "Are you seeing this?"

Turning the volume up she watched with dread forming in her stomach as the reporter described the issue.

"...have just declared code red as all of America is being warned of the fast approaching supercell. Residents throughout the States are warned of the extreme ice and sleet this blizzard will bring. Roads are closed as the emergency department has banned any form of transport. Citizens are advised to stay indoors and wait for the cell to pass. Multiple power outages have already been reported and approaching down powerli..."

Just then the power cut out.

She sat in front of the screen stunned. The cattle were up in the hills. The storm coming in from the east. This means that all the clouds would become trapped on the eastern ridges of the Rockys. The cattle would freeze to death if they didn't find shelter.

"Shit!" Her Dad said behind her.

"Uhh, double shit!" Liam commented from beside Dad.

"Okay, option number one. We take the horses up the trail through the forest. Cross the ridge and heard the cattle back. Or option number two, we abandon the cattle, let nature do her thing and collect the survivors when the weather's cleared up." She logically stated and turned to her family.

Without hesitation her Dad turned around and said to them over his shoulder; "Option One. I'll ready the horses. Rave grab the sleeping bags, tents and maps. Liam pack as much food in three separate bags as possible in ten minutes."

He then put his boots back on. Placed his hat on his mop of chocolate curls and opened the door to let in a gust of freezing air.

Facing the black clouds rolling over the plains he said in a determined unyielding tone; " Let the fun begin"

Ten minutes later they had packed everything they needed. The horses were saddled, the packs were prepared and they were ready to leave.

"Liam!" She shouted over the strong wind as they hunched over the saddles of their horses. "You take the right when we get to the forest. Dad you take the left and I'll go over the ridge."

The wind was increasing by the minute and the first sleet had begun to come down from the Heavens. The horses in their thick winter coats weren't exactly freezing, but that didn't mean that they couldn't feel the cold.

She took a look at her brother and Dad, both giving her a serious nod. She returned the gesture and gave a sigh of relief as they entered the mild shelter the tall cedars provided. From here on they split. Moving in a fast trot they all went their separate ways shouting a quick "Good Luck!" over their shoulder before disappearing in the flocks of snow falling to the ground. Heading along the frozen trail she watched as her breaths slowly turned more and more foggy. Her thoughts then focused on the cattle caught on the ridge and she urged her horse to move faster.

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