Chapter 8

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It was them

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It was them.

The Angels that had hunted Fury.

Her neck ached from the whiplash she currently suffered. They had barreled into her from below, snatched her arms in grips of steel and hauled her upwards. As she had been falling freely before they caught her with her wings out of sight, her momentum had increased as gravity dragged her down. So, when the Angels caught her and flew upwards, her head snapped forwards and hence the whiplash.

The near cloudless sky had thankfully disguised her wings from the duo behind a thin veil that now separated earth from sky.

She couldn't place her unease of being captured by these two. Her reasoning told her not to trust them.

After behind whisked away, Raven had rapidly lost sight of Fury. It was maddening since the animal still carried her belongings. Everything was in there from her food and healing supplies to her hunting knife and primitive American hunting bow.

Minor things such as a feather that had molted off last night were also hidden there.

At least she knew that Fury would protect her things with her life.

She returned to watching the beating wings. It was quite hypnotising to watch them. The rhythmic beat threatened to lull her into sleep.

"Where are we going?"

It seemed to be the thousandth time that she'd asked the question. Each and every time there had been a stoic response of dead ice cold silence.

Were they deaf?

She had to ask herself. Why wouldn't they respond to her? What was so secret that she couldn't know their destination?

On second thoughts, would it be a big deal if they told her? Considering that she was being transported through the skies backwards, there wasn't much she could see anyway.

And as for knowing their destination? What would it matter if she had never heard of it?

Surprisingly, it had only taken a thousand questions to provoke a response from one of the twins. Even if it was meager.

"Up." Was the answer she was granted.

Up? But there isn't anything in the sky except the atmosphere and space after that. Are they insane?

It looked as though they were. The ground was increasingly dwindling away from her reach.

She felt vulnerable without her supplies. It wasn't even that she needed them desperately, no. It was the sense of security and independence which they implied.


It felt like days.

Days of being hung by the arms above an abyss of nothingness.

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