Chapter 1: Hot Princes?

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Disclaimer: this was the first book I wrote ,meaning I had 0% experience in writing and my skills obviously still lacks ,if you continue to read I hope you keep in mind my lame skills of writing after all I'm just a fangirl who decided to write enjoy nonetheless 😅



You watched as swans flock around the lake as you squint your eyes at the rising heat of the sun. It was the middle of the day and you were taking your strolls and enjoying the free time you're getting since your schedule is field with lessons. A hand tapped your shoulder and you see a guard holding a umbrella up for you.

You felt bothered since you liked the presence of the sun ,but you could not say anything for you knew it was your mom's orders. She always likes her way ,which was it always had to be the way she wants it to be.

He bowed and said "Princess Y/N your mother wants to meet you".

You sighed before looking at the fleeting swans before smiling back at the man as you nod. You were honestly enjoying your time alone but royalty isn't always as luxurious as people think it is. You barely get free time and your movements are sealed monitored. Sometimes you wonder what you look like with a slouch back and a messy bun.

As you walk going back to the palace tons of royalty cars caught your eye they were parked in front of the palace gates since the lake was just pass the gates of the main house where you live. You knew palace cars only come in big events such as ,crowning of new king ,or your dads birthday. Kings, Queens, Officials and many more only come in those days. You thought it was an emergency meeting and your steps fasten.

"Who are they?" You asked the palace guard who was walking at the same pace as you and folded the umbrella once you reached the premises of the building.

"Miss I think you should go see them yourself" he said.

The guard guided you down the hallway to the dining area. Not just any dining area but the large rectangle that could fit about twelve people per side and only one on the end. You had an idea that the visitors were a lot. Once you reached the huge oak doors you fixed your hair and straightened your dress as you fixed the same smile on your face, slowly you knock on the door and revealed the large table with seven young men. Along with your dad and kings. Everyone turned to your direction and immediately knowing who the visitors are you gave your respect with a slight bow.

"Your grace." You nod your head to King Sohyun the king of east and King YooLin the King of the west. They smiled softly and your eyes wonder off the other noble men that are just about the same age as you. They were also just staring back before you can ask you heard your mother speak.

"Oh you were right on time! Everyone this is my daughter Y/N" your mother said as she held your arms together and you smiled again.

Everyone stood up to acknowledge your presence, you smiled at them without really looking at all ,you quickly went on a sit that you saw empty expecting it was for you.

"Anyways since Y/N is finally here I think we should get started to the real reason why I brought my Amazing Sons along" King SoHyun said with a hint of enthusiasm that you can not quite get.

"Yes, I agree considering also my sons went" King YooLin said fired back with the same energy.

What are they talking about? What is this meeting have to do with me? You asked yourself.

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